Helpful Tips to Help Any Neopets Player by Jessica Swink

Coltzan’s Shrine

Click on the ‘Approach the Shrine’ button at these times to get the item/upgrade that you want.

  • Speed: Every fifth second of the hour.
  • Defense: Every tenth second of the hour.
  • Strength: Every thirty minutes of the hour.
  • Endurance: Every hour of the day.
  • Level: Every even (2:00, 4:00, 6:00) hour of the day.
  • Burnt Food: 11:00-12:00 NST.
  • Dubloons: Every 55 seconds past the minute.
  • 10 Strength Points: Every 30 minutes past the hour.


I love the auctions but it’s NOT a good habit, and if you are easily persuaded to buy things and LOVE competition, you would be a great person to bid at the auctions; but I suggest you don’t get into the habit because it’s bad. I once spent 60,000 neopoints at the auctions IN ONE DAY! (In fact, in only a little less than five hours.) If you do choose to bid at the auctions, you should carefully watch that no one bids on your item. If someone bids on your item at the last-minute (or second) there is nothing you can do.

Dailies by Ella Harman

Tombola: The prizes are usually junk, except for bottled faeries and codestones. You can do this once everyday. The winning is totally random. This game is free.

Fruit Machine: The prizes for this vary. You can get anything from 50 NP to 15,000 NP. You can even win paintbrushes. You can also win nothing at all! This game has random winning. You can play once a day. This game is free.

Coltzan’s Shrine: This shrine can give you level ups, NPs, food, defence, attack, speed, etc. It depends on timing, really. You can play this once a day. It is free. The times are:

How to Get Rich by crashedandburned

Get rich quick! Are you poor? A newbie, with no clue on how to make neopoints? Been on a while but still have trouble? Or rich already but want to know how to get even more? Then read this article, if you follow the tips, you will be rich in no time.

1) Open a bank account.

2) Put all your neopoints (np) in the bank at the end of each day.

3) Collect your interest every day before you do anything else

4) Only feed your neopets food you get for free (i.e. the giant omelette).

5) Go to the Tombola, Healing spring, Coltzans Shrine, Fruit Machine, etc every day. Your pets will either get healed, you will get np or a random item which you can sell.

Feeding Your Neopet by Shelly

Do you get mad because it seems like your pet(s) are always hungry? Or because you keep having to find food at reasonable prices? If you know how to fill up your pet without spending money then i say don’t waste your time reading this article because it will only be a waste of time to you. If you don’t know how please read on. It will be very helpful. It will not only save you loads of np, but save you time which you can be spending to make np.

First, there is the healing springs. This is random though so you might not get it. If you do it should say “All your pets are healed and not hungry anymore.” You can do this every 60 minutes or one full hour. Location: Faerie Land