The Brain Tree Explained

What is the Brain Tree?

The Brain Tree is a smart tree which exists in the Haunted Woods. This Brain Tree hungers for knowledge and will give you quests which when completed, will reward you handsomely.

What does it ask for?

The Brain Tree will ask for the time and place of a person. The only way in which you can find out is to do the Esohphagor Quest twice. Once for the time and once for the place. The Esophagor can also be found in the Haunted Woods next to the Brain Tree.

I saw on another site a list of Brain Tree answers.

No matter how much you try, they will never be right. Brain Tree answers are all randomized, and the only way to unlock the actual correct answers is by doing the Esophagor Quest twice.

Haunted Woods Quests by Tabbycat_541

The Brain Tree is located in the upper middle right of the Haunted Woods. If you choose to except his challenge you will be asked to find out were and when a certain person died. The only way to find the answer to his question is by feeding the Esophagor twice. The Esophagor is located at the bottom left of the Haunted Woods. This greedy (whatever it is) has a huge appetite consisting mostly of Halloween food. The best way of getting this Halloween food is by looking on the shop wiz. If the wiz is too pricey you could help Edna in the Witch’s Cave ( located above the Esophagor) by finding the missing ingredients for her spell. Edna will reward you with anywhere from 200 to 2,000nps and a Halloween food. The more times you help Edna the higher your reward becomes. Once you feed the Esophagor once he will tell you when the person you have been looking for died. Feed him a second time and he will tell you were he died. After getting this information you will be able to answer the Brain Trees Questions. If answered correctly he will give you a handsome amount of nps and a rare battle dome item good for fighting with or worth bundle of nps.

A Tour of Some of Neopets’ Worlds Part 2

The Haunted Woods is a perpetual Halloween-type forest. Here lies the Brain Tree, who demands knowledge of when people died. It’s completely random and can’t be unlocked if you just type in numbers. Instead, you have to go to the other boogie-man of the Haunted Woods, the Esophager.

He demands spooky food in exchange for answers. It used to be you could only get the foods from Edna’s quest (who asks for random items to complete her spells), but now there is a food store that sells them. Of course, the Brain Tree’s quests are rarely worth the price you’ll pay. Stuck in the middle of the Haunted Woods, there is the castle of Eliv Thade (an “anagram” for Evil Death), where you must unjumble letters to produce the word needed to move around his castle.

My Experience as a Neopian by Zak Fields

My experience as a Neopian has been great. I love to participate in as many things as I can, and that is partially why I’m broke.

I started an account a long time ago, and during that time, I earned enough money where I could have 50,000np in the bank and not ever have to take it out.

I had about three neopets, each having their own petpet. I even got one of my neopets from the adoption place. I love doing the faerie quests and getting random events. I also like to do all the missions from people like Edna the witch and the Brain Tree.