Tag: quests

  • The Pink Poogle Toy Show 28: The Dave Takes Charge Edition

    Episode 28 of The PPT Show focuses on pertinent issues such as the Snow Faerie quest and the cooking pot, Neopets 3D – a virtual world where you can walk around, Neopets merchandise and host opinion on neopoint ratios for games. Finally, the hosts talk about a brand new feature on Neopets; ratings which allow you to rate other people’s pets. Joining us today is Dave from Colorado, Siobhan from Canada, Jonny from Holland and Meepitman who says he’s from Mars.

  • How to Bypass the Shop Wizard Ban During Faerie Quests by Deepesh911

    It is quite annoying that you are not allowed to use the shop wizard when you are on a quest. You have to try your luck with the shop galleries to find the items you are looking for and if you are lucky you will find it, but at what price? Sometimes the items in the gallery are heavily over priced than the shop wizard. The trading post also requires luck. Some quests have to be completed within a short period of time like within 15 minutes or so.

    Chances are that you will not get your item within the time limit from the trading post. There are several forums apparently where people help you out by searching the user names of people who have the item and give it to you but I have never bothered with doing that as it is too time consuming for me. I am sure you will agree with me that we all are here for an easy way out in what ever we do.

  • A Tour of Some of Neopets’ Worlds Part 2

    The Haunted Woods is a perpetual Halloween-type forest. Here lies the Brain Tree, who demands knowledge of when people died. It’s completely random and can’t be unlocked if you just type in numbers. Instead, you have to go to the other boogie-man of the Haunted Woods, the Esophager.

    He demands spooky food in exchange for answers. It used to be you could only get the foods from Edna’s quest (who asks for random items to complete her spells), but now there is a food store that sells them. Of course, the Brain Tree’s quests are rarely worth the price you’ll pay. Stuck in the middle of the Haunted Woods, there is the castle of Eliv Thade (an “anagram” for Evil Death), where you must unjumble letters to produce the word needed to move around his castle.

  • Fountain Faerie Quests by Magenta

    If a user does what she asks, the fountain faerie shall bless them with the ability to change into any color they want of their species! However, the fountain faerie quests are elusive, due to the fact that the fountain faerie rarely requires an item. If you are asked by her, I would advise against turning her down. The following is an example of what occurs during a fountain faerie quest.

    Going to the faerie quests page.

    After giving her the item.
    At this point, I was able to change my active pet to the one I wanted to paint. I believe it needs to be done before going to the rainbow springs in Faerieland.

  • A 5 Minute Introduction to Neopets by Kayley Thornton

    Neopets has been a fabulous experience. I have never played such an enthusiastic, enjoyable and exciting game. With loads of quizzes, puzzles and games, you will never get tired of it. Everyday there’s new parts to explore with learning experiences every step of the way!


    You have the choice of easy, medium or hard. There are loads of different types to choose from and all different. Each one gets harder, so the harder it gets, the more neopoints you receive!


    With over 20 different types of topics to choose from, they give you the chance to say what you want and when you want to say it. I often advertise my shop or say my opinion on games.