Potato Counter Tips

Count potatoes using a calculator

Whenever I play this game I always use a calculator to count the potatoes. I found that if I count them myself, I tended to lose count a lot. All you need to do is press ” 1 +” on your calculator every time you see a potato.

Say at the end there were 4 potatoes altogether, you would have pressed “1 + 1 + 1 + 1”. Then just press “=” at the end and you have your total number of potatoes. You don’t even have to count the potatoes in your head, the calculator does it for you.

This works for me about 70 – 80% of the time so it’s worth trying. It might take a bit of practice to stop counting the potatoes in your head though. Good Luck! – pinkhabbo.

Counting many potatoes

1) if they don’t all show up at once the highlight all the images and count the highlights

2) if there are tons of potatoes to count then simply click refresh it will give you a different number to count without wasting time or goes. You can keep refreshing till your hearts content (I normally refresh until there are like 15 potato’s or less) – IndieJesterBell

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