ToyBox Escape Solutions by emaholic

Toy Box Escape can be a very simple game; if you use the codes you get. But with using the codes, its not possible to get a good High Score =/ So to help you make the levels, I have written a little guide 🙂

Level 1:
This one is simple; Use one of the Myncis to climb up and take the coin, while the other one climbs into the finish. Then let the other one get to finish too. 🙂

Level 2:
Pretty simple too. Use the red Scorchio and burn the wall that goes to the coin, and just use the green one to just burn a wall, and walk into the finish. When the red one has taken the coin burn the other wall so it can come into the finish too 😀

Level 3:
This time its Kougra’s. They can dig. Let the yellow one dig in the orange block, to get the coin. Then just let the other ones dig where ever you want, and you should get everyone to the finish easy.

Level 4:
Shoyrus, they can jump. Let one of them jump over the gap and take the coin. On the other one just make it jump into finish.

Level 5:
First make a ramp with the Uni so the Scorchio can take the coin. Then burn the wall with the Scorchio, and let the Kacheek push the block so no one can fall down to that hole. Dig a hole with the Kougra, and all the pets should get easily into the finish.

Level 6:
First climb with the blue one and take the coin. Then let the purple and green one climb up, and down to where your blue one started. Let them all climb up the last part, and get them to the finish

Level 7:
In the same time as this level starts, make the blue Kacheek push the little block, and get it to the finish. Then make the green one push the block, and get the coin. Get the yellow one to the finish by pushing yet another block

Level 8:
First make a ramp with the Uni so the Shoyru can get up, press the button and jump and take the coin. Then let the Scorchio burn the block, and get them all to the finish.

Level 9:
First push the block with the Kacheek to get everyone to the same place. Then use the Uni to make a ramp on the left side. But remember to ONLY let the Kougra go up. Let it dig two times right over the coin. Then use the Scorchio to burn the wall at right side so all the other pets also can get to the finish.

Level 10:
Now this is the level I dislike most of everything. I don’t have any guides or tricks for this level, so just dig and try to make sure you don’t hit any Spikes.. And do your best to get the coin.

Level 11:
Use the Shoyru to jump over the block, and over the spikes, and then, push the button. Let it walk back and dig with the Kougra. Dig again on the next block, but DON’T make the shoyru fell down there. Let the shoyru jump over the dug hole, and when the Kougra push the green button let it jump over and take the coin. Now it shouldn’t be to hard to get everyone to the finish.

Level 12:
First let the Green Kacheek push the block at right, so there is no hole there anymore. It will now also automatically take the coin. Then let the Scorchio burn the block at left, so the Kougra and the Scorchio is together with the Green Kacheek. Then let one of the Kacheeks that is left at its place push down the block at right. Make sure you don’t hit any of the pets that is walking down there 🙂 If I am right, the pets will now get separated by the block that fell down. Let the Scorchio burn it, and every pet is together again. Now just let the Kougra dig one of the red blocks and get everyone to the finish.

Level 13:
First push the green block with the blue Kacheek. (You must do this once the game starts or the Kacheek will turn around and go down to the Uni). Then push the next green block until it meets too. Now the Katcheek should be at the same high as the Finish. Then let the Scorchio burn the wall at left so it takes the coin and falls down to the Uni. Let the Scorchio burn the wall so all the pets is together. Then let it burn the wall into the finish, and all the pets should be safe.

Level 14:
First let the Kacheek push the block down. When the Kacheek is together with the block again push it until its right under the coin. Now let the Myncis climb up, and fall down to the Kacheek. Let one of the Myncis climb up and take the coin before you let the Kacheek continue pushing the block into the hole. All your pets should now walk into the finish by them self.

Level 15:
First get the Kougra to the finish by digging three times. It will (hopefully) push the button, and get into the finish. Now burn the little block with the Scorchio and get it into finish too. At last, let the Kacheek push the block, and it will (again hopefully) fall down the holes your Kougra made, and get into finish.

Level 16:
This level is tricky, so I made a map.

Start with getting the Blue and Yellow Kougra to the finish. Let the Yellow Kougra dig a hole where the red line says. Now you have to act quick. Hurry to let the yellow Kougra dig another hole where red line says. If you are too slow the blue one will continue walking without falling into the hole the yellow one made, and it will die on the spikes. When you have the yellow and blue kougra in finish start with the Red one. Let it dig right where the map says, and I think you should have it in finish soon. Then its time to get the green one to the finish. Let it follow the green line, and remember to take the coin (marked with a green circle). Now you should soon have made yet another level 🙂

Level 17:
First jump down with the Shoyru. It will turn around, and walk against the green spikes. Jump over them, and press the red button. Jump over the spikes again, and jump over the next red button (important). It should now walk into the finish. Now its the other 3 pets turn. Dig the block that is on the right side two times, so all the pets fall down in a little gap. Then use the Blue Kacheek to push the block at right, and all the pets will walk into finish in safety.

Level 18:
First (and quick) make the purple Mynci climb up and press the Blue button. Now it will go into finish also. Then let the Green Scorchio burn the block at right and make the green Mynci climb up to it. The Scorchio will fall down to where the green Mynci was, but that’s the point. Let the green Mynci climb up and press the red button, and then let it walk freely into the finish. Now make sure the green spikes is down and burn the block right for the Red Scorchio. It will take the coin, and come down to the green Scorchio. Let one of the scorchios burn the wall at right, and they will both get into the finish.

Level 19:
Soon finished with the game now! Yay ;D First make sure the Blue Spikes is not there, and jump over the lava and stuff with the purple shoyru. Now it is soon together with the red Shoyru. Let one of them jump up to the place with the coin. Just press the button, don’t worry. Take the coin, and press the button again. Getting the shoyrus to the goal now shouldn’t be too hard.

Level 20:
Last level! Hurray! First let the Scorchio burn the wall so everyone is together (except the Mynci). The use the Kougra to dig a hole, so all the pets fall down to the Mynci. Use the Scorchio again to burn a way into the finish 🙂 [I haven’t figured out how to get the coin yet o.o] – emaholic

Congratulations! You have cleared all the levels, and got all the neopets to escape.
I hope this guide was helpful 🙂 If you have any questions feel free to neomail me!


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