Hello there. You’re probably reading this for one of three main reasons – you got scammed and you are angrier than a grizzly bear being hit in the face with various cream pies, you’re hoping not to get scammed and wish to educate yourself in one way or another, or you got here by accident.
I’m not here to bore you with repetitive information already written about ten times each on other PPT – Scammed Help articles. Because the world of Neopets is changing ever so rapidly (my experience being almost three years), it’s easy to say the same is going on inside the minds of hackers. They’re people too, just like you or I (uh- unless you’re a family pet who has somehow managed to learn how to read English as well as surf the Internet…), and though we may dislike the way they throw our countless hours upon hours of scrimping and saving NP’s, there’s really no avoiding any chance that you may become a victim.