Scamming Myth and Fact by Annie

Hello there. You’re probably reading this for one of three main reasons – you got scammed and you are angrier than a grizzly bear being hit in the face with various cream pies, you’re hoping not to get scammed and wish to educate yourself in one way or another, or you got here by accident.

I’m not here to bore you with repetitive information already written about ten times each on other PPT – Scammed Help articles. Because the world of Neopets is changing ever so rapidly (my experience being almost three years), it’s easy to say the same is going on inside the minds of hackers. They’re people too, just like you or I (uh- unless you’re a family pet who has somehow managed to learn how to read English as well as surf the Internet…), and though we may dislike the way they throw our countless hours upon hours of scrimping and saving NP’s, there’s really no avoiding any chance that you may become a victim.

Scammer Paranoia by theparrotbite014

Hey, it me. By just reading this you might be expecting something about scammers taking accounts and items. Here’s the reality of it though. Look how many people put guides here, then look at how many users there are on Neopets. Quite a difference, huh? Yeah, there are scammers. Yeah, there are cookie grabbers. Yet, I have only been scammed once, and have been playing for about 5 years. We all pretty much have what I call “Scammer Paranoia”.

Here’s the deal. You log onto Neopets. You notice a neomail sitting in your inbox. It reads, ” Dear soandso, this is Neopets staff coming to inform you that are server might crash due to a severe storm in the area. All accounts may be lost! Please send us your password so that we may activate the save function in your account.

On the Trail of Mari_Jhane by ChromeFox

Message from the webmaster, please note, by placing this here, I am not taking sides or stating who is right or wrong. This is simply a story I found very intriguing from an outsider perspective. This is in no way an attempt to slander Mari_Jhane or Neopets.

Here’s my story. I know it’s long, but I think you’ll find it interesting. It’s a true story that, unfortunately, happened to me.

***Before I begin, I have a few things to say. First off, keep in mind that these events occurred over a year ago when Neopia was much younger. Things were much different on Neopets than they are today. Second, I want to say that everything here is true, just as I remember it. Some of it may sound unusual and difficult to believe, and I even had trouble believing it as everything rolled out before me. Sit back, because this is a very long and very strange story, and I hope it never happens again.***

Scammed: What to Do by henryitta

Last night, as I was looking for Codestones for the Training School (since dubloons have gotten to be so expensive!) I stumbled across a shop held by Kalisan_Purple. In this store, there was a Greater Staff of the Earth Faerie for 50,000NP. I quickly went to my bank to take out the cash to purchase this but when I clicked on it, I was taken to a log out (the one with the faerie aisha) screen asking me to give my password.

I gave up and returned to looking for my codestones when I noticed that I had over a million NP in my side bar and the number was dropping drastically. I went to the bank to see that my 3.25 million NP (a years worth of saving) was gone.

In Depth Trading Scams by Chocobo

Hi there! This article is more in depth about the item switch scam and other trading related scams which I’ve come across to. I use the trading post for hours daily so I’ve met almost every trick available.

Item switch scam

I am sure almost everyone knows how this trick works. The scammer will put in a trade and then remove the trade after a few seconds so you can have a good view of how good the offer is. There are two ways the scammer can do this:

1. Puts up a good trade and cancel it after a few seconds. Then recreate the trade with different look-a-like item