Tag: mari jhane

  • On the Trail of Mari_Jhane by ChromeFox

    Message from the webmaster, please note, by placing this here, I am not taking sides or stating who is right or wrong. This is simply a story I found very intriguing from an outsider perspective. This is in no way an attempt to slander Mari_Jhane or Neopets.

    Here’s my story. I know it’s long, but I think you’ll find it interesting. It’s a true story that, unfortunately, happened to me.

    ***Before I begin, I have a few things to say. First off, keep in mind that these events occurred over a year ago when Neopia was much younger. Things were much different on Neopets than they are today. Second, I want to say that everything here is true, just as I remember it. Some of it may sound unusual and difficult to believe, and I even had trouble believing it as everything rolled out before me. Sit back, because this is a very long and very strange story, and I hope it never happens again.***