Lilo & Stich Rollercoaster Guide by Shoyru_Lover

Do you love excellent point returns in a game? Well this game is for you! In the true spirit of Disney movies, Lilo & Stich is a really funny game, and super fun to play! Play the super cute Stich as he surfs the waves which never make him fall, you are given the task of collecting all the CDs! Along the way, every time you collect a CD, you will be allowed a certain amount of time, where you can catch some quality air time at the top of the wave, and do all those cool tricks!

I would strongly urge you to visit the sponsor links in this game, because when you do, you are given new moves to try out and believe me, its totally worth it. If you do visit all the sponsors, here’s some of the moves they will give you for max points!

Neoboard Search Term Easter Eggs

Easter eggs are little secrets within anything that are usually completely random and totally unrelated… but placed there by the staff. Sometimes, they do this for fun, sometimes, they do it as a sign of disgruntlement. Disney movies, Microsoft programs and such have all had Easter eggs in them, and Neopets is no exception. Here are some Easter eggs you can find by using the Neopets search tool.

Naughty naughty!

If you type naughty into the message boards it is changed to boring – lozcross

A changing bikini

If you type bikini in the Neoboards it will show up as cardigan to other people. – annabootie

Super Hasee Bounce Guide by midnitejinx

This game is fairly simple and I almost always get 3,000 neopoints a day from it. It only took me a couple of games to get used to it, and then I was getting 1,000 neopoints a game!

Basic Tips

  1. Always play on hard. The only difference is the wind speed, which I hardly notice.
  2. Always be VERY careful when your Hasee lands! You will feel very bad if you lose a precious life because you were a fraction off.
  3. It takes 667 points to get 1,000 neopoints (on Hard), so if you are just playing for the neopoints, you can stop there. (I usually stop in the second section.)
  4. (more…)

Easy Money For Average Players by Daniel Posner

Sometimes in Neopets the chocolate factory has Red Pteri Tails. They are bought for 1500 and sold for 3000. They are the longest lasting + 1000np item (at the time of writing 26th March 2005).
Do snow faerie quests lower than 4000np for some eventual moola.

If you have a fast computer you can search the wizard for cheap codestones. I got one for 200np.

Play easy games for your style like Turmac Roll and Chia Bomber for active neopians and national neopian for typers. Here is a list of good easy money making games and their payoff.

Action games

Web of Vernax 1500np Needs timing, speed and accuracy. Difficulty low. Try to get 1 web on 1st round.

Pyramids Cheats

Free Game Play the Following Day

Whenever you have reached your daily limit for the game, click on it again when it says play again. DON’T continue playing. The next day when you go back it will say you have a game already started and continue with that game. You aren’t charged the 50 NP for the first game of the day. It’s not much but 50 NP is 50 NP 🙂 – by Lupinia