Easy Money For Average Players by Daniel Posner

Sometimes in Neopets the chocolate factory has Red Pteri Tails. They are bought for 1500 and sold for 3000. They are the longest lasting + 1000np item (at the time of writing 26th March 2005).
Do snow faerie quests lower than 4000np for some eventual moola.

If you have a fast computer you can search the wizard for cheap codestones. I got one for 200np.

Play easy games for your style like Turmac Roll and Chia Bomber for active neopians and national neopian for typers. Here is a list of good easy money making games and their payoff.

Action games

Web of Vernax 1500np Needs timing, speed and accuracy. Difficulty low. Try to get 1 web on 1st round.
Chia Bomber 1200np Needs timing and distance. Difficulty medium. Plain shoot em up use mines at top and don’t die at the start for a easy win.
Bumper Cars 1200np Needs control. Difficulty easy. Avoid oil, mines and walls and always fight. only get the shield if your health is low.
Igloo Garage Sale 1200np Needs control. Difficulty easy. Stay away from pianos even if that means missing a object.
Turmac Roll 450np Needs timing. Difficulty easy. No idea for advice just practice.
all = 5550np

Typing games

Trouble at the National Neopian 1200np Needs good speed and eyesight. Difficulty easy, Mystery robber is a red techo.
Word Poker 600 =1800np Needs knowledge. Difficulty between hard and medium. Try playing after school or work.

Puzzle games

Destructomatch 2 600 np Needs skill. Difficulty easy. Click like mad on extreme mode for a fast boost of np.
Ultimate Bullseye 720np Needs timing and accuracy. Difficulty easy. Use Punchbag Bob on last turn.
Chemistry For Beginners 1800np Needs thought. Difficulty medium. Look for combos at the start.
Snowmuncher 300+np Needs none. Difficulty super easy. Dig straight down occasionally getting gems and potions.
Cheat 600np+ Needs thought. Difficulty medium. Better wins means better battlecards sold for more money.
= 4020np

Do all the free stuff and some cheap stuff like Tombola, Coltzan’s Shrine, Fruit Machine, Snowager, Healing Springs, Wheel of Exitement etc. 150 other stuff has too little payoff

Buy Sugar Bunnies at the chocolate factory for 300 they sell for 600. Buy milk chocolate buzzes for 250 sell for 325 (at the time of writing 26th March 2005).

Stockmarket tip

Buy stocks for 20- and sell for 30+. – Daniel Posner


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