Lilo & Stich Rollercoaster Guide by Shoyru_Lover

Do you love excellent point returns in a game? Well this game is for you! In the true spirit of Disney movies, Lilo & Stich is a really funny game, and super fun to play! Play the super cute Stich as he surfs the waves which never make him fall, you are given the task of collecting all the CDs! Along the way, every time you collect a CD, you will be allowed a certain amount of time, where you can catch some quality air time at the top of the wave, and do all those cool tricks!

I would strongly urge you to visit the sponsor links in this game, because when you do, you are given new moves to try out and believe me, its totally worth it. If you do visit all the sponsors, here’s some of the moves they will give you for max points!

Special Tricks

Up, Up = Nose Grab
Left, Left = Tail Grab
Left, Up = Impossible
Up, Left = Backflip

Obviously the harder the trick, the more points you will receive! With these tricks banked, reaching 1000 three times a day will be easy peasy! To earn those extra points, stay in the white part of the wave and you’ll get extra points for the amount of time you stay in there!

The obstacles are not that hard. It seems the only time Stitch will fall off his surf board, is when coming down from some air time, he unavoidably hits an obstacle. Just be careful. – Shoyru_Lover

How to reach 1000 points quickly

When you get up to do special do left + left, Over and Over! It is 10+10+10+10 times 4 which is 160 points and appears to be the most amount of points Stitch can gain in one jump! Do this approximately seven times and you’ll get over 1000 points! Do this three times a day and you have 3,000 neopoints! – CrYnOkAlYpSe


One response to “Lilo & Stich Rollercoaster Guide by Shoyru_Lover”

  1. Avatar

    Your words of encouragement couldn’t have come at a better time. It’s like you knew what I needed to hear. Thank you for being a source of positivity.

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