Revel Roundup Solutions by allie23_7

In this game you are Orrin the Nimmo whose job it is to collect items and Snorkles for the Shenkuu Lunar Festival celebration.

The game consists of three timed stages, with less time allowed per round (clarification: time doesn’t speed up on each round, but the time allocated is dependant on how fast you completed the previous round). You must collect 6 items on the first round, 10 on the second and 12 on the third. You are given bonus points at the end of each round dependant on the time it took you to complete. If the time runs out it’s game over, you have no ‘lives’. The locations of the items change so there is no set solution, but here are some tips.

Meet the Robinsons Solutions by psyco.chick32

-Bowler Hat Guy brings him forward in time
-His head and arms get in the way of doing his job
-He becomes the Robinsons’ family pet
-He’s a dinosaur from prehistoric times
-He can’t actually carry out the task BHG set for him.

Frankie the Frog
-He is the orchestra leader of an all-frog swing band.
-He is the “don” of the frog gang.
-He works for Franny Robinson.
-Franny taught him to sing.
-He’s the coolest amphibian around.

-The one thing he longs for is a family of his own.
-He is an orphan with only one memory of his mother.
-He has a genius I.Q. and loves to invent things.
-His inventions are often unintentionally disastrous.

The Pink Poogle Toy Show 47: The Return of Dr. Sloth Walkthrough Edition

The awesome foursome team of Helena, Jonny, Kym and Lee come together to show everyone how to complete all the latest plot steps from Neopets’ latest plot – The Return of Dr. Sloth. Join us as we go in-depth and answer all the most common questions.

Aquamarine’s Adventure Solutions

Thanks to Stacey for providing us with the solutions!

First Picture

Where does Aquamarine spend her nights? Water Tank
What colour are Claire’s Sandals? Pink
Where do the girls first see the mermaid? In the pool

Second Picture

Who is calm when the girls meet aquamarine? Aquamarine
What’s on the ground next to Hailey? Backpack

Third Picture

Whom do the girls consider themselves experts on? Ray
What colour is Claire wearing? Yellow

Fourth Picture

What happens to Aquamarine at sunset? She gets her tail back
What is in the backround? Caution Tape

Fifth Picture

What colour is Aquamarines tail? Silvery Blue
Where does Aquamarine spend her nights? Water tank

Sixth Picture

What is Aquamarine eating? Ice cream
What colour are the streaks in Aquamarines Hair? Blue