Tag: aquamarine

  • Aquamarine’s Adventure Solutions

    Thanks to Stacey for providing us with the solutions!

    First Picture

    Where does Aquamarine spend her nights? Water Tank
    What colour are Claire’s Sandals? Pink
    Where do the girls first see the mermaid? In the pool

    Second Picture

    Who is calm when the girls meet aquamarine? Aquamarine
    What’s on the ground next to Hailey? Backpack

    Third Picture

    Whom do the girls consider themselves experts on? Ray
    What colour is Claire wearing? Yellow

    Fourth Picture

    What happens to Aquamarine at sunset? She gets her tail back
    What is in the backround? Caution Tape

    Fifth Picture

    What colour is Aquamarines tail? Silvery Blue
    Where does Aquamarine spend her nights? Water tank

    Sixth Picture

    What is Aquamarine eating? Ice cream
    What colour are the streaks in Aquamarines Hair? Blue

    Seventh Picture

    Who walks in on Aquamarine while she’s in the tub? Ray
    What colour are the curtains in the Bathroom? Pink

    Eight Picture

    What is Ray Holding? Inflatable Dolphin
    What is Aquamarine hoping to find? True Love

    Ninth Picture

    Ray is amazed to find out what? Aquamarine has a tail
    How many necklaces is Ray wearing? 2

    Tenth Picture

    Why are they out in the ocean? Aquamarine was pushed into the water.
    What colour are Rays shorts? Brown