How to Pass Time Very Fast in Snow Wars by cyanc4c


1. Start up snow wars.
2. Get to the page with all the question marks.
3. Click and HOLD the first question mark, and drag off the game screen.
4. Press <ENTER> then <TAB> repetitively after one another.


1. All the images don’t show up for me.
Answer: Try doing it slower, if that dont help do it a lil faster

2. I don’t always win.
Answer: That is because you are simply visiting the page of each question mark, and the odds are against you.
this is not a make you win, it is a time passer.

Snow Wars II Guide by epicchicken

Snow Wars II is pretty easy once you have the right strategy.

First, you need to only play when you have the right snowman setup to defend. All your snowmen should be at least thee snow blocks from the edge of the field you can build in. Why three? Because that is the max length of the pieces you get to surround and re-build your fort. If you have less room than that, you end up not being able to use larger pieces to surround your snowmen in later rounds.

So, restart the game until your snowmen are in a good place. Then build a fort around them. I usually just click like mad on my mouse in a rough circle around the snowmen and fill in spots I miss.

Snow Wars Guide by agriff1

Anyone can get a gold trophy in snow wars, and earn tons of snowballs in the process!

Snow wars is a luck/chance game rated hard. To get a gold trophy and win the game it takes at least 1000np, but its more likely to take about 3000-4000np. This is because you get a gold trophy after 10 competitors and each game costs 100 to start. The 4000np will easily be earned back if you sell the snowballs you get at the end of each battle. For instance, the stone snowballs you get at the end of level 10 sell for 1200 neopoints each, and you get two of them.

Snow Wars II Guide by knd1994123

Building Your Walls – Usually, I try to start out by clicking very fast just to lay down bricks (rather sloppily, mind you!) and create a rough large circle around 1 or 2 snowmen, leaving maybe an inch between this wall’s outside edge and the outer edge of the screen, so as to leave enough room for odd larger shaped blocks later on in the game when I need to repair a hole and have no smaller blocks coming up as options. Then I quickly go back to fill any holes left in this rough wall, and try to make it relatively thick if I have time.

Snow Wars Guide by stampsyne

You can make the Snow Wars game go much faster if you click a second (or more) before the letting the next page load completely! This is a great option for those who apply a grid system to their game play as it minimizes the wait time between moves. A Grid System is a pattern of movements that you would play in every game. There are 4-hit targets (Big Snowman, Snow Castle), 3-hit targets (Catapult), 2-hit targets (Cannon, Snowpile) and 1-hit (Snowman 1, 2) targets. The grid system will hit at least one in every grouping of four to get the 4-hit targets.