I have read all of the guides for making NPs, but they all expect so much of you. I am not good at flash games, those do not work for me. All of those “Make 1,000,000 NPs in a month!” involve me getting tops scores at all the games. I can’t do that. So here is a guide for people who suck at the games, but want money.
First off, auctions are your friend. Surf the latest auctions for things like nerkmids, faeries, codestones and rare plushies. If you try hard to get 5 of them, it’s likely you’ll be the top bidder on one. Wait until the last second to offer and then put in your bid. Make sure it’s high enough, so estimate what you think it’ll be at by the time you put in your offer. Then sell higher. On this alone, I make about 10k a day.