1. Never tell anyone your password, or change anything on your account, even if you are asked to. If they say they will give you items, neopoints, codestones, etc. dont believe them. Also dont to tell your siblings or friends ( real life ones or Neofriends ). The Neopets Team will never ask you for your password.
2. If you suspect anyone of being a scammer report them immediately by email to Abuse@NeoPets.com – especially if they keep asking for your password.
3. Always change your NeoPets password at least a once a month. Also try to keep it in the Number(s)-Word-Number(s) or Word-Number(s)-Word format or another fancy format thats pretty easy to remember, or you can use the password generator on http://www.winguides.com/security/password.php, which is pretty much unbreakable. Examples drespu5p, fake456password.