Returning host John and newcomers Matt, Mindy and Tinya explain what happened to all those lost podcasts, the Neopets Haunted Woods Plot – The Tale of Woe, and the discuss the possible implications of Neopets new “pay for items” scheme which has yet to be officially released.
Tag: Neopets Podcast
The Pink Poogle Toy Show 29: The Neopets Notice Board, Battledome, Missing Items, Neopets Competitors and Racism Edition
Episode 29 of The PPT Show unites Kym Huynh, Evan and Drake (or his alter ego Demon) as the second group on this week’s host-packed recording session. (We had so many hosts that we had to split the recording up into two teams.) With topics on discussion such as whether people actually notice what is on the Neopets Notice Board, whether or not the battledome is essentially to Neopets or biased towards certain Neopians, unreleased items that are M.I.A. (missing in action), Neopets’ competitors, and whether or not Neopets is racist, tune in for an exciting episode of The PPT Show.
The Pink Poogle Toy Show 2: Neopets the Movie
Darcie, Scott and Cassi host this show after Kym decides that sleeping in is a better option and discuss topics ranging from Neopets the movie, the trading card game and Neopets’ upcoming Playstation games.
The Pink Poogle Toy Show 23: The Great Debate, Mate Edition
Veteran hosts Adex and Evan join Kym, Jonathon and Dave to bring you this action packed episode where the hosts duke it out over whether Neopets’ is just in it for the money or whether they really are as fun as we’ve always known it to be. In the most contentious episode to date, we also consider whether a Neopets theme park could be a possibility, the history of the codestone, Neopets themed days, the NC Mall and Dave gives us some tips on the latest Neopets game.
The Pink Poogle Toy Show 5: Altador Cup Prizes
Marcus, Rachel, Kym (the veterans), Evan and The Wonder Weezel (first-timers) unite to bring you the welcome-back show! We discuss Neopets mobile, Neopets premium, ponder whether blocking the advertisements will get you frozen, Altador plot prizes, the Lutari talisman, and the beginning of the Cyrodrake’s Gaze plot.