Tag: Neopets Premium

  • The Pink Poogle Toy Show 54: Mini Petpet Park Plot Palooza

    Welcome to our brand new host, Mary, as she floats in gently like a graceful swan alongside regular, Kym, to bestow her knowledge of Neopets Premium and the mini petpet park plot missions.

    • Neopets Premium: What is it and what makes it special
    • All about the Mini Petpet Park Plot
  • Neopets Premium Screenshots

    Take a look at these screen shots for Neopets premium below.

    A screenshot of the portal
    Another screenshot of the portal
    The Super Shop Wizard
    The Super Shop Wizard in the portal
    A screenshot of the portal
  • The Pink Poogle Toy Show 5: Altador Cup Prizes

    Marcus, Rachel, Kym (the veterans), Evan and The Wonder Weezel (first-timers) unite to bring you the welcome-back show! We discuss Neopets mobile, Neopets premium, ponder whether blocking the advertisements will get you frozen, Altador plot prizes, the Lutari talisman, and the beginning of the Cyrodrake’s Gaze plot.

  • 10 Tips for Making Neopoints by Isabelle Dubois

    As we all have heard, America’s middle class is disappearing!!! Who cares? We’ll fix it. The thing that has been on my mind lately: Neopets’s middle class is literally gone! Either items are unbuyable (only people who have the Number Six avatar are able to buy them), they are expensive, or they are just plain crap. Now, as someone who truly cares about the many Neopians around, I feel I should lend a hand to all of you who need help making neopoints. So, here is my list on how to become rich. I call it, “Ten Tips for Making Neopoints”.