Dubloon Disaster Guide by exclamationpoint91


Bronze 2 pts
Silver Skull 5 pts
Silver X 10 pts
Silver Moon 20 pts
Silver Clouds/Skull 50 pts
Gold X 100 pts
Silver X/Gold Ring 200 pts

Game Explanation:
Dubloon Disaster is simple all you really have to do is steer the little boat around the mines which are always moving toward you. They also move faster toward you as they get closer to you. You are trying to collect as many coins as possible. They will pop up one at a time. You don’t have to run over the coin to get it just get close.

Dubloon Disaster: Mines Go Boom by Lora

Ok, so I’ve been reading some really great guides on how to avoid those pesky mines and score a bunch of points, etc, etc. This plan does work…but there’s an easier way to stay in the game with little to no effort. The only requirement is patience.

Here’s the deal. Every time you collect a coin, a mine appears. Now, eventually enough mines appear to summon a magical whirlpool that sucks all those mean little mines up. The only problem with that is you can get sucked into it as well, ending your game.

Well, the cool thing about the mines is that, when 2 of them collide, they blow each other up. Now, if only there were a way to take advantage of that… hmmmm. All you have to do is collect 2 coins, summoning only 2 mines. Since they act like little homing devices, these mines will start moving toward the same point (a.k.a you) and eventually meet up and blow each other to bits. The trick is keeping yourself aligned between the two mines so that they’ll meet up. The easiest way to accomplish that is to form a triangle between you and the mines, keeping yourself far enough way from them to keep from getting hit.