Bronze 2 pts
Silver Skull 5 pts
Silver X 10 pts
Silver Moon 20 pts
Silver Clouds/Skull 50 pts
Gold X 100 pts
Silver X/Gold Ring 200 pts
Game Explanation:
Dubloon Disaster is simple all you really have to do is steer the little boat around the mines which are always moving toward you. They also move faster toward you as they get closer to you. You are trying to collect as many coins as possible. They will pop up one at a time. You don’t have to run over the coin to get it just get close.
Whirlpools: These are deadly, they will try to suck you in. Try to swim away as far as you can from the whirlpool when it pops up. Some will not do anything and will sink back away but some will suck in everything on the screen. This can be an advantage if you are along way into the game and need a break as there is no pause. But it can also be very annoying if you just got all your mines up and grouped together, when it pops.
Strategy: Basically you drive in circles trying to herd the group of 9 mines as close together as possible. The mines “pop up” in random places, until nine mines are reached. There will never be more than 9 mines on the board at one time. This is important to know because once you have nine mines on the board you will not have to worry about one popping in front of you. Try to keep the mines from exploding on each other. I go run to a corner and move back and forth between corners to “herd” the mines away from the coin. Then just go in circles around the group collecting them. If there happens to be an extra wide space between 2 mines you can run your boat between them to group them closer (caution doing this practice a bit with your boat before hand or you could end the game in an unsightly fashion). It does take a lot of practice to get the group to do what you want it to do. It can be really hard to get some coins if you have the mines too spaced out.