A Guide to Earning Easy Neopoints by tesa80

Okay I went through a lot of np making guides and they really ask you to do a lot. If you’re like me, usually on the go then maybe this guide will help you. I put together a lot of different tips from different guides and added a few of my own too. I hope you will enjoy this guide!

1. Make a goal for how many neopoints you want to make a day, over 1,000-3,000 NPs would help you some people even get over 20k! So you should at least get over 1,000-3,000 NPs daily or if you play only a few days a week try to make more neopoints. Also don’t stress yourself in trying to make so many a day, you’ll just get lazy and decide not to even bother anymore.

Kacheek Seek Guide by Dezmi Ganasan

The aim of the game is to find your neopet as quickly as you can! They’re hiding in one of the hotspots. You can choose from 30 hotspots, and the levels range from Easy Peasy to Hard. Listed below are the hotspots and its rating.

The quicker you find them, the more neopoints you earn.

When you click on “Click To Play”, it comes up with the table above. You then pick a place you want to start looking in. For beginners, I recommend choosing an “Easy Peasy” one 🙂

Once you’ve clicked on one [Let’s say Kacheek Kitchen], a screen like this should pop up.

Memoirs of a Neopian by Kimmie

I started playing Neopets about three years ago, according to my look up its been 34 months. Somehow over the years Ive come to own a significant, albeit humble amount of neopoints, painted pets, and so on. Admittedly Im not a neomillionare by any stretch of the imagination, and I dont intend to me at least not now. Maybe Im getting ahead of myself, Ill take you back to the beginning.

Once upon a time I was a newbie. I knew nothing of Neopets, I was desperate for neopoints, and I would do anything to get them. I played the games that you play when youre desperate and in need of neopoints, games like Potato Counter and Kacheek Seek. One day, while perusing the newbie boards, I came upon the answer to all my problems, yes, the infamous chain letters. So, I diligently copied it and pasted it into 10 boards, and when I went to Faerieland to claim my fortune, I didnt get it. What I did it was about ten angry emails from seasoned players, and I got reported, all in a days work.