I started playing Neopets about three years ago, according to my look up its been 34 months. Somehow over the years Ive come to own a significant, albeit humble amount of neopoints, painted pets, and so on. Admittedly Im not a neomillionare by any stretch of the imagination, and I dont intend to me at least not now. Maybe Im getting ahead of myself, Ill take you back to the beginning.
Once upon a time I was a newbie. I knew nothing of Neopets, I was desperate for neopoints, and I would do anything to get them. I played the games that you play when youre desperate and in need of neopoints, games like Potato Counter and Kacheek Seek. One day, while perusing the newbie boards, I came upon the answer to all my problems, yes, the infamous chain letters. So, I diligently copied it and pasted it into 10 boards, and when I went to Faerieland to claim my fortune, I didnt get it. What I did it was about ten angry emails from seasoned players, and I got reported, all in a days work.
Eventually I got used to the crazy world of Neopets, and I moved on to bigger and better things. I dont remember being in to painted pets and anything like that. No, I enjoyed going to Neopian shops and buying plushies for twice the price that I could get them of the Shop Wizard, and then they would just rot in my inventory. I spent most of my time on the boards chatting about anything and everything. My favorite board was the role-playing board. It was a great place to make friends if you where literate, which I am, and it killed time.
At some point I abandoned my Yurble named Burblicole, and after a few days I regretted it, as most Neopians do when they abandon a pet. So naturally I searched for him and neomailed the owner saying: You took my baby! It was to become a catalyst for a great friendship. Lloydirving and I neomailed back and forth for probably a year and a half, sometimes the only reason I came on to Neopets was to see if he neomailed me. And honestly, I liked him, but of course he came to me for advice, and for nothing more. One day he asked to see my picture, and after he saw it, he left Neopets. If you search for his account, hes been gone for over 300 days now. Do I think about him? Sure, but only when Im writing neopet memoirs.
Neopets morphed into something different for me, I came on to meet guys. I know, its terrible, but it was fun, and dangerous, and intriguing. That last about five months probably, maybe even less than that. I always thought the Neopets team didnt read neomails, well it turns out they did, and I got frozen because of it. I came in one day and for some reason I was logged out, and when I tried to get in I got the message that no one wants to receive, I had been frozen. Now there is the form that you can use to get your account back, but I was guilty as charged. No, I would no longer be known as kimmological.
Luckily I had another account, well two actually. I moved back to kimmologic and got down to business. This was the account that I was gain my fortune on, and keep in mind that I say that very loosely. I joined the Writers Notebook Guild, and it was the best guild Id ever been to. It wasnt too big, there were under 100 members, they had contests, neoschool, newspaper, and a website. I went on to become second in command, which is a feat when you dont know the leader personally, made articles for the newspaper, and was a writing teacher in neoschool. Unfortunately, as with all guilds, it died. Or at last it did to me. Neoschool hardly happened anymore, the same newspaper had been on for months, and the guild leader stopped in once a week, if we were lucky. I left the guild, but it will always have a paragraph in my memoir.
Now for the last chapter, the part where I gain my fortune and dazzle yall with my assets. After the guild was done, I got into paintbrushes and pet pets and real estate. I guess it started when I got a Christmas paintbrush while playing cliffhanger. I put it on the trading post and then once it was sold, bought a Darigan Kimbi for Yugi. Then of course Yugi had to match, so I started saving for a Purple Paintbrush. Then, lo and behold, I got another Christmas Paintbrush at cliffhanger. It was pretty awesome for me, because before that week, in three years I had never found a paintbrush, and now I had found tow in one week? I traded it and painted Yugi purple. After that, I decided that I was going to paint Aulbrianna fire, and I started saving for it. The next day, I got a quest from the rainbow fountain faerie, and upon completing was able to paint Aulbrianna fire, for the grand total of only 12k.
The moral of the story? You dont have to be good at games, or a millionaire to be happy or successful. Sometimes you just get lucky. Right now Im saving for a fire petpet paintbrush, and after that Ill furnish my neohome. Then Ill just sit around with my riches, and perhaps laugh. Why? Because what I worked so hard to get isnt real – Kimmie
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