Hungry Skeith Game Guide

A revamped version of the Jelly Plant Processing game, this game plays in pretty much the same fashion. However, rather than ice-cream, we now place miscellaneous items into the corresponding color coded vats such as cakes, radishes and jelly blobs.

We are provided with three vats. A red, blue and green (from left to right order). The food items fall from a conveyor belt onto the end where we have to pick them up and sort them out. Green items placed correctly give back more points than blue items, which give back more point returns than the red items.

Beginner’s Guide to Deckball by Vic

PPT Guide Editorialist

So you’ve just started playing deckball or you are so frustrated with the Mirgle that you want to throw your computer out the window. With this guide it will show you the best possible strategies of how to get the ball in the goal. The trick is, to take each “ball up” (When you first start) differently.

Slow paced ball up- if the ball is bouncing at an extremely slow pace don’t move from your goals. Stay in defense of your goals and wait till the Mirgle is confused and is not near the ball and push the ball up towards the left hand corner of the ship if you hit the angle exactly the ball will go in. Try and keep Mirgle out of the picture by running into him.

The Food Club GameGuide by Dayna Freeman akacheerleadercat

Want an easy way to earn np? Then play the food club. Each time a new competition starts bid on the pirate you think can eat the food fastest. This game is a fun way to quickly earn np but at times it can be very challenging. My guide should be a excellent help to you if you are having trouble. I hope this guide helps you get np and trophies.

The Food ClubPirates:
Scurvy Dan the Blade
Young Sproggie
Orvinn the First Mate
Lucky McKyriggan
Sir Edmund Ogletree
Peg Leg Percival
Bonnie Pip Culliford
Puffo the Waister
Squire Venable
Captain Crossblades
Ol’ Stripey
Ned the Skipper
Fairfax the Deckhand
Gooblah the Grarrl
Franchisco Corvallio
Federismo Corvallio
Admiral Blackbeard
Buck Cutlass

Stowaway Sting Guide by babygurl17268

Guide your character (Scrap) by using the directional keys on your keyboard. You need to turn each crate into a different color by moving Scrap onto the crates. The object is to turn each crate to 1 color in order to move to the next level.

The first level is the easiest, all you do is walk around in a spiral picking up the 4 money sachels that come up- this allows you to get a bonus of 80 points and still a decent time bonus.

At level 4 it gets harder. Now you will have to step on the crates once to turn them blue but if you step on them again they will change back. So most likely you will need to step on the crates twice to get them all one color.

Trouble at the National Neopian Guide

The first major game to feature the National Neopian Bank, a source of income for many, sees you, the player, as the elected person in charge of bank security. After all, if no one was in charge, how is the bank able to make and maintain their money used to pay you interest on your savings? For some strange reason, the bank has 6 doors which is most likely due to the sheer volume of customers it receives (can anybody say monopoly? There’s only one bank in the entire economy – omigosh?). Each door has a deleted red button which you are able to press when you see a shady character appear.