The Food Club GameGuide by Dayna Freeman akacheerleadercat

Want an easy way to earn np? Then play the food club. Each time a new competition starts bid on the pirate you think can eat the food fastest. This game is a fun way to quickly earn np but at times it can be very challenging. My guide should be a excellent help to you if you are having trouble. I hope this guide helps you get np and trophies.

The Food ClubPirates:
Scurvy Dan the Blade
Young Sproggie
Orvinn the First Mate
Lucky McKyriggan
Sir Edmund Ogletree
Peg Leg Percival
Bonnie Pip Culliford
Puffo the Waister
Squire Venable
Captain Crossblades
Ol’ Stripey
Ned the Skipper
Fairfax the Deckhand
Gooblah the Grarrl
Franchisco Corvallio
Federismo Corvallio
Admiral Blackbeard

Buck Cutlass
The Tailhook Kid

The food:
Hotfish Broccoli
Wriggling Grub Joint Of Ham
Rainbow Negg Streaky Bacon
Ultimate Burger Bacon Muffin
Hot Cakes Spicy Wings
Apple Onion Rings Sushi
Negg Stew Ice Chocolate Cake
Strochal Mallowicious Bar
Fungi Pizza Broccoli and Cheese Pizza
Bubbling Blueberry Pizza Grapity Slush
Rainborific Slush Tangy Tropic Slush
Blueberry Tomato Blend Lemon Blitz
Fresh Seaweed Pie Flaming Burnumup
Hot Tyrannian Pepper Eye Candy
Cheese and Tomato Sub Asparagus Pie
Wild Chocomato Cinnamon Swirl
Anchovies Flaming Fire Faerie Pizza
Orange Negg Fish Negg
Super Lemon Grape Slush Rasmelon
Mustard Ice Cream Worm and Leech Pizza

The Places:
Treasure Island
Hidden Cove
Harpoon Harry’s

Hint #1:
Before bidding on somebody be sure to look at his/hers allergies and what kind of food will be served on that round. If the neopet is allergic to fish neggs and they will serve those then it might be a good idea not to choose him/her.

Hint #2:
Bid on only one person at a time, not all 5 at once. That way you will have a better chance of winning. For instance lets say you bid on the following pirates:
Scurvy Dan the Blade
Young Sproggie
Orvinn the First Mate
Lucky McKyriggan
Sir Edmund Ogletree
Then lets say Lucky McKyriggan loses. You have automatically lost! But if you bid on one at a time you get the np award for all the others.

Hint #3:
At the moment Gooblahthe Grarrl is winning with 71% and 52 wins. You can refer to who is winning currently for who to pick, but watch out, that pirate might be allergic to a lot on that round’s menu!

Hint #4:
A pirate’s strength and weight sometimes matters a lot when choosing. If a pirate is very heavy then he might enjoy eating so he might eat more. On the other hand he might have eaten so much that he has a stomachache making him/her not want to eat. The strength and weight are very risky matters to take into your choice.

Hint #5:
Place bets everyday! That way you’ll have a better chance of winning!

Hint #6:
HAVE FUN! Games are meant to have fun, not to be played just for np! If you have fun then you’ve already won! – Dayna Freeman akacheerleadercat

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