Meriball Guide by deckkeeper

Meriball is a relatively easy game. It may take practice, but it is very simple. The object of the game is to either break the ball, or bounce it off the wall and get it passed the opponent without him hitting it. Each time you score, you get a point, and first to 5 points wins. You can also grab an upgrade that will help you, hurt your opponent, or both.

Here’s the upgrades:

2xBall = ball becomes twice as fast

SLOWBall = ball becomes much slower (obviously)

2xMan = you become twice as fast

SLOWMan = your opponent moves much slower

Curvy Arrow = the ball goes against the laws of physics (eg.the ball left, then goes right back the same way it left!)

Neverending Boss Battle Guide by chilling_apparatus

Click on the image to view an enlarged version

Quickly, I’d like to note that unlike many other guides, I’m actually giving you a near fail proof strategy to earn a trophy. You were smart enough to get here. You know the drill. Skip this first part and head straight to the strategy if that’s the kind of thing you do.

Semi-Mandatory Opening

Space, one particular form of frontier. A barren plain of stars, planets, satellites, a bustling neopian market, and lots of empty Achyfi bottles. Okay, so it’s not so barren. But if it was, it would be. Or something.

Easy Game to Make Neopoints by rocksta95

The first game to play is called Usuki Frenzy. It is easy to play and my tip is to not travel through doors too quickly because Usuki sets are sometimes in front of them and it will cost you time if you collect a wrong set.

The second game is Rink Runner. Pretty simple- all you have to do is click a bit beyond the correct notes and avoid the sharps.

Meepit Chase 2 is easy- my tip is to keep quitting until you get a rare negg as a starter. Just avoid the red neggs!

The trick to our fourth game, Jubble Bubble, is to have patience. And also to collect the coins because they give you 25 points.

Scorchy Slots Game Guide by Snowiekim

Ok now this is my game!! Survey has it that a lot of neopians hate this game, but I do extremely well! Luck? well maybe, timing? again maybe.. but this is my story 🙂 lol.

Have a couple of thousand on ya man, and think Winner! ok kidding about thinking its all chance lol. But what I do is this: Since your pet won’t allow you a lot of time to play this, Yes they pop up and say I’m bored!

ok ok I’ll get to it! 🙂

First hit of the button hit play again when it comes up, (unless you need to hold that is) after that hit your F5 button to refresh it (now watch the bottom of the screen for mini wins, you’ll see it than you want to hit collect winnings, After that hit the F5 to keep it going. Don’t I say don’t hit your F5 if your holding something you will lose that spin.. Ok now that that’s clear :). Water melons hit a lot! strawberries, oh heck they all can. I hit 3 jackpots in one day!! honest neopian i did… I have been playing since Feb and have hit the Jackpot 6 times count em 6 lol..

Guide to Selling Retired Items by Kompukid10

Recent studies show that now is a time when neopets is introducing a lot of new items when ever neopets creates a new item they must retire an old item, for example red wine used to be a pretty common item now try and find it on the shop wiz. It is hard to find because many people discarded it. After it was retired people sold it for millions.

Now neopets isn’t going to retire an item like fire fire pants on fire that would be a big deal but items like bottle of black sand. So when you think about it the sdumbest items can make you a fortune. But one thing not to do is what many people try to do. Don’t sell it right away take a look at what the current prices are. You have to do this the right way there’s an old saying “milk it for what its worth.” That doesn’t mean keep it in your deposit box for three years. You’ve got to see the prices are the prices going down should I sell it are they going up should I wait?