Tag: battle

  • A Basic Guide to Neverending Boss Battle by starbred

    The Story

    He came from beyond the stars to conquer the planet Neopia. Unfortunately for Dr. Sloth, one thing stands in the way of completely obliterating your beloved planet – YOU. Your single-man fighter is really no match for Dr. Sloth’s Battlecruiser, but it’s all you’ve got. You won’t win of course, your mission is simply to delay him as much as possible to give the Neopians time to prepare.

    Hello, are you ready to master Neverending Boss Battle? Okay, let’s get going!

    The Basics

    Controls – The first thing you need to know to play this game, and virtually every other game in this world is the controls. The controls for NBB (Neverending Boss Battle) are quite simple really.

  • Neverending Boss Battle Cheats

    Get an extra life

    Type “foreverandeverandever” to get an extra life in Neverending Boss Battle. – knd1994123

  • Neverending Boss Battle Guide by chilling_apparatus

    Click on the image to view an enlarged version

    Quickly, I’d like to note that unlike many other guides, I’m actually giving you a near fail proof strategy to earn a trophy. You were smart enough to get here. You know the drill. Skip this first part and head straight to the strategy if that’s the kind of thing you do.

    Semi-Mandatory Opening

    Space, one particular form of frontier. A barren plain of stars, planets, satellites, a bustling neopian market, and lots of empty Achyfi bottles. Okay, so it’s not so barren. But if it was, it would be. Or something.

  • Neverending Boss Battle Tips

    The trick to racking up tons and tons of points

    The trick to racking up tons and tons of points in Neverending Boss Battle is to just stay in the corner where your ship is generated at the start of the game, aim toward Sloth’s ship, and fire away. Don’t move about or go chasing power-ups – they’ll come to you eventually – because that corner is the perfect refuge: your torpedoes hit Sloth’s missiles, destroying them before they get near you; and the fireballs always fall just short of your ship. The only thing to worry about is the occasional bluish star-bomb-thingy, but the first time I tried this I scored over 1600 points before I took a hit from one. So basically start, aim, leave something heavy on the spacebar so you keep firing, and go about your business, checking in every so often to make sure you don’t die, because when you do you’ll have to re-aim. That’s all. Nothin’ to it. – Little Washu

  • Cooking Pot Recipes

    Furniture Recipes

    Ugga Chair = Checked Kitchen Chair + Uggatrip

    Sand Sculptures

    Thanks to mjking99, David, hullabalooza2000 and NeptuneGirl587 corrected by abby_company, and Janie ^_~
    Angular Sand Sculpture = Black Bottle of Sand + Green Bottle of Sand
    Bottle Shape Sand Sculpture = Blue Bottle of Sand + Red Bottle of Sand
    Curvy Sand Sculpture = Blue Bottle of Sand + Green Bottle of Sand
    Heart Shaped Sand Sculpture = Black Bottle of Sand Sand + Red Bottle of Sand
    Rainbow Sand Sculpture = Invisible Sand + Rainbow Sand
    Regal Sand Sculpture = Glowing Bottle of Sand + Purple Bottle of Sand
    Spiral Sand Sculpture = Orange Bottle of Sand + Purple Bottle of Sand