Cesium’s Plushie Tycoon Guide Cesium – Version 2004-02-23


This guide describes details of the Plushie Tycoon implementation and provides some of the background mathematical analysis needed to play Plushie Tycoon well.

I am not really qualified to write this guide. I’ve been playing Plushie Tycoon for about three weeks. As you read this guide, you will see that there are numerous areas where I don’t know how something works in the game. However, I haven’t seen any Plushie Tycoon guide yet that goes into the same level of detail as this guide does.

Copyright issues: This document is now firmly in the public domain. I reserve no rights. If you can figure out a way to profit off this document, feel free. If you know the answers to any of the questions I raise in this document, or you have suggestions for better organizations or better details, send me email at cesium62@yahoo.com.

Petpetsitter Guide by Tan Hui Tian

When at first faced with the challenge of Petpetsitting, I was dubious and clueless about the game. However, through sheer determination and lots of practice, I bring you this guide!

In my opinion, Petpetsitter is one of the easiest games in the Games Room. Also, it is ridiculously easy to score, rendering me dizzy with the amount of neopoints I earn just from playing that one single game.

However I have to warn you, its addictive and very time-consuming! (Plus it hurts your eyes after a while)

Enough of my ranting and straight to the tips!

Here are my tricks of playing the game:


1. Practice!


PacManFever – Trading Card Hunt Guide by Shoyru_Lover

Well well well, what can I say about this game? If you know how to play hide and seek, well this game should be straight forward for you! All you have to do is roam around the house and gardens clicking on any possible hiding place, and find all the lost trading cards!

There is a catch however. The time limit, but even then, you should have more than enough time to find all you need. (extra time for the purpose of advertising no doubt ^_^). The game states that you get bonus points for finding the cards in a certain order, but until the player is familiar with the game, I would strongly urge the player to aim for finding all the cards and familiarizing themselves with the game instead.

Faerie Bubbles Guide by Shoyru_Lover

Fans of the Bubble Bobble game will love this game. There is just something so simple yet satisfying about this game that makes it so cool! An added twist to this popular arcade game is the possibility of hitting off combinations – but I’m getting ahead of myself.

In a flipped Tetris-like game, you are in charge of a cannon, which is responsible for sorting out a plethora of colored blocks – what I shall refer to as ‘mess’. Angling your cannon with the left and right keys on your keyboard, the only way to get rid of this mess is to color coordinate your shots so that at least three of the same colored blocks are connected in some way. This results in these blocks disappearing from the game, which is good, as you want all the blocks to disappear. Once you have cleared all the bubbles, you will advance to the next level; however the less moves you complete each level in, the higher your score returns will be. This doesn’t mean to say that you can’t just go crazy every once in a while and fill up your screen full of colored bubbles just for fun! As a pre-warning, after a certain number of shots in each level, the top row of the bubbles will drop down and reveal an extra row of mess for you to clean up! What fun!

Grundo Snow Throw Guide by Shoyru_Lover

This game is undoubtedly one of the most fun games neopets have ever created! Watching your guys pelt the snowballs at the opposition and watching the snowball make contact is so satisfying it nearly makes you laugh! You start out with three grundos you are given to control while the opposition unfairly get more powerful and recruit more friends every time you defeat them. The main aim of this game is to defeat your opposition (duh!)

It is obvious that you cannot control all three grundos at the same time, so to avoid them getting pelted at the start of the game, immediately move two of them to the top right or the bottom left of the screen so that they are immediately taken out of danger or opposition fire. With your remaining free grundo, pelt away!