CodeBreakers Guide by lazuli_blue

On your first guess, just leave them all red. If you get any right, you know for a fact that you have that many red ones. If you don’t, you know for a fact that you don’t have any red ones.

Next, however many you get wrong, replace those with white. For example, if after your first turn, you had 2 right, next turn you should guess 2 red and 2 white.

Keep going like this, trying one color at a time for any you still have wrong. Since there are 6 different colors, you will know the correct colors at least by your 6th turn.

Feed Florg Game Guide by Aura

Hiya. The name’s Aura, and I guess I’ll be thine guide to the wonderful game, ‘Feed Florg.’ So listen up, because if you don’t, then…you’ll be missing out on some pretty easy Neopoints. 😛

‘Feed Florg’ is simple enough – rotate the robotic hand, yellowish in color, around the circular table to prevent the petpets from falling off, therefore escaping their horrific doom of being eaten by an impatient Mutant Chia named Florg. The game ends when five petpets fall off the table, and you are granted points for every petpet that the rather glutonous Mutant Chia eats.

Here’s how the scoring goes:

Extreme Herder Guide by bekellepears

As Much of you MAY know, extreme herder it’s a VERY popular game, now, but do you Know REALLY how to play it??? This is a resume of what you have to do in the game and WHAT is the point of the game:

1.You are the blue kacheek and you have to move with the arrows in your key-board to collect the petpets without lettin balthazar (the lupe) to eat them or eat you.

2.the way to collect the petpets is simple, just go near them and you will see that you have them in your back.

3.after you collect the petpets you may see that since the game started there is a cage at the center, you have to go with the petpet at the back and leave them there only by getting near to the door, NO, you can’t leave the pets inside the cage only by getting near to a WALL of it.

Gourmet Club Bowls Guide by knd1994123

I’m sure you came here because you wanted to know how to Master the game Gourmet Club Bowls right? Well, you can find all the tricks, tips, and all that jazz here! Just read my little guide and soon you’ll be a wiz at this game, just like me!

Basic Rules

Now, no use trying to play this game and not know the basic rules right? Anyway, the rules are simple:

In this game, you play against a variety of opponents. You each get to roll one of your bowls (yours are red, your opponent’s are blue) down the green to try and get it closest to the jack (the white ball). You may knock your opponent’s bowls out of play, and he may do the same to you, but if the jack goes out of play your opponent gets 2 points.

Cocoa Puffs: Amazing Chase Guide by DireBloodLines

A guide to getting your Cocoa Puff craze on (cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs)

This is your basic arcade style cocoa puff version of packman. With a few changes in the look and only one major change in the game play this game is exactly like the original. This one simple change in the game play is the key to getting an easy 3k in about fifteen minutes. The fact that if you collect 78 regular cocoa puffs you will go cuckoo.

Im splitting this guide into two parts. The first is the tips which you should always keep in mind. The second is the key to getting to the 4th stage and getting those neopoints.