Feed Florg Game Guide by Aura

Hiya. The name’s Aura, and I guess I’ll be thine guide to the wonderful game, ‘Feed Florg.’ So listen up, because if you don’t, then…you’ll be missing out on some pretty easy Neopoints. 😛

‘Feed Florg’ is simple enough – rotate the robotic hand, yellowish in color, around the circular table to prevent the petpets from falling off, therefore escaping their horrific doom of being eaten by an impatient Mutant Chia named Florg. The game ends when five petpets fall off the table, and you are granted points for every petpet that the rather glutonous Mutant Chia eats.

Here’s how the scoring goes:
Petpet Bounces Off Robotic Hand: +1 pt
Slorg: +5 pts
Bearog: +10 pts
Snorkle: +10 pts
Puppyblew: +10 pts
Warf: +10 pts
Krawk: +10 pts
Kadoatie: +15 pts
Hasee: +20 pts

At the end of the game, your earned score is divided in half, and you are awarded that many Neopoints. Yay! ^-^

Movement in this game is kind of confusing, as when the hand is circling the lower half of the table, then the controls are inverted (ex: pressing left will make the robotic hand go right, and pressing right will make the robotic hand go left).

Mouse: If you move the mouse left, then the robotic hand goes left; if you move the mouse right, then the robotic hand goes right. Simple enough, no? Actually…not really. In order to *stop* the robotic hand when using the mouse as a control, you have to move it, very slightly, in the opposite direction that it was going in. For example, if the hand was moving left, then you would move the mouse very slowly to the right to stop it.

Keyboard: Keyboard movement is much easier. To go left, you press the left arrow. To go right, then you press the right arrow. Movement is still switched when you get to the bottom half of the table, though. And to stop the hand from moving, just lift your finger from the button. ^-^

All in all, this game is pretty easy (if not time-consuming) to play once you’ve mastered the controls and timing of the movement of the petpets. As your score progresses, the petpets move faster, which makes the game obviously more difficult…and if you happen to own a slow computer like yours truly, the game can be frustrating, as the constant movement of that darn Mutant Chia can hamper how quick the robotic hand can move.

So good luck to thee, and hopefully the time you spent playing was rewarded by a nice little bag of NPs. Questions and comments can be NeoMailed to ‘aurakage’, and remember to have fun. 😛



Username: aurakage

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