Goal Setting to Success by dalilllion100

Almost all Neopians want to be rich. Maybe so they can smarten up their pets with a rare paint brush, or perhaps even to simply have a balance with six figures. Either way, you need to make a goal to get there. As corny as ‘goal setting’ sounds, it is the best way to help you get that lab map, or that extravagant bank account.

How to expand your daily earnings

Once you have set your goal (I.e. 450,000 np for a full lab set) you will need to think about how much you can earn (realistically) a ay, and so therefore get a general idea of how long it will take you to get there. So if you think you can make 5000 np a day, you will be waiting ninety days L . If the wait is too long for you then think about what else you can do.

Rink Runner Guide

I love penguins. I love ice and I love music, therefore I love this game! You play as a music-mad Bruce, who loves nothing more than to skate around on the ice chasing after the wild music notes. Easy? Quite easy I will admit. However if you want to gain that adorable trophy for your lookup, or you want the highest score to maximize your point gains, then I would suggest a certain strategy towards this game.

The early levels of the game are very easy. Too easy in fact. Your skating area is very large and all you have to do is catch the music notes. However, as the game progresses, you will find that water cracks start appearing all over the ice and your catching area is slowly becoming smaller and smaller. You will find that on later levels, the smaller playing field size becomes quite detrimental to catching notes, as the earlier late levels will leave you finding that you can skate only around the left half of the screen, while run-away notes will evade your catch and disappear entirely on the right side of the screen while you jump exasperatedly on the left. If you can survive these levels, then rejoice because an ice berg will slowly drift towards the right side of the screen giving you a ‘full’ playing field again.

Neggsweeper Tips

Open up a lot of areas

I have discovered that (at least so far with easy and medium) if you click, in the beginning, on a place that opens up a lot of area….look for all the corners where the #1 has only one possibility. Then click around that area where all the other #1’s touch the bomb square. It seems to have a nice ripple effect. I have found that I still have to “guess” once in each game, so luck still has to be on your side that one time. I used to use that strategy when playing minesweeper on my computer. – Denise Meyer

Neopoints Guide by coolaqua93

I’m guessing you want to find out how to make neopoints quick. Well, there is no quick way, but here is my way. As soon as I log on, I check the news page. There it will tell you all about everything new that is happening. Sometimes there is a new shop or some new items or even something that you can get for free that day! After that I normally go to Tombola, it’s free and you can win anything from nothing to a codestone to a faerie. If you get a codestone, DO NOT USE IT! I repeat, DO NOT USE IT! Sell it, codestones (at this time of writing) sell for 3,000 neopoints to 30,000 neopoints! It is very rare to get a 30,000np codestone, so don’t set your heart on it.

A 5 Minute Introduction to Neopets by Kayley Thornton

Neopets has been a fabulous experience. I have never played such an enthusiastic, enjoyable and exciting game. With loads of quizzes, puzzles and games, you will never get tired of it. Everyday there’s new parts to explore with learning experiences every step of the way!


You have the choice of easy, medium or hard. There are loads of different types to choose from and all different. Each one gets harder, so the harder it gets, the more neopoints you receive!


With over 20 different types of topics to choose from, they give you the chance to say what you want and when you want to say it. I often advertise my shop or say my opinion on games.