Neopets Jelly

Co-creator of Neopets, Adam Powell, has a secret affinity for the gelatin delight known as jelly. It’s bouncy, it’s see-through and it’s oh-so-yummy! It is no wonder that this unholy obsession found its way through to Neopian screens worldwide. What began as a poll for a possible world became an insider joke. No, they know not what we speak of.

The birth of Neopets Jelly

It was a bright, sunny day, and Neopians all over the world logged on to find a new poll. “What world would you like to see next?” it said in a merry voice (well not quite). Among the options was one that said Jelly World! Alas, Jelly World didn’t go on to win (if memory serves me correct) and the world was doomed to never be created, until…

Nimmo’s Pond Guide by Shoyru_Lover

Personally, I haven’t played this game much but from what I’ve gathered, its a pretty cool game 🙂 From my experience, as like many games, there is also a knack to playing this game. And henceforth, in this guide, I shall explore them with you and on the way, converse on the finer points of English.

First point, never stray from the middle unless unnecessary. This is because if you do, you will gradually lose control of your lily pad until eventually, you will ram into other lily pads and lose health. If you look on the diagram below, you will also notice a blue bar that says paddle power. Every time you move, your paddle power will decrease and if it depletes itself, its over rover.

Dubloon Disaster Guide by fireandflame

This is my first ever game guide, so please don’t laugh at it if its not very good 😛

In my opinion this is one of the BEST games there are out there at the moment, and it is defiantly one the easiest to get a high score in. The nice thing is you can take your time over this game, and really clock up a high score. (remember you get twice as many neopoints as your score!)

There are two ways of playing this game to my knowledge, the first is to zoom around collecting the coins, with loads of mines following you. This is quite hard, but works for some.

Carnival of Terror Guide by livmin

I have found something out about Carnival of Terror that PPT’s other game guides don’t pick up on.

The main reason that people do not get very high scores is because they run out of time, and I have discovered that each parachuting clock that comes down adds 30 seconds to your time. I have also found that these clocks often come in fairly quick succession, followed by a period with very few, if any clocks at all.

If you have just started a game and after about 5 seconds a clock floats down, DO NOT SHOOT IT until it is very near the floor, or about to disappear behind one of the buildings. The reason for this is simple. If you shoot the clock immediately, your time will reset to 0, and you will not have gained any “free” time. In the time it takes the clock to get near the ground (the “free” time), you could have gained about 20 extra points by shooting at the Chia Clowns. So, if you get any clocks within the first 30 seconds of your game, play like this and see what happens!