Edna’s Shadow Guide by bl0kje

Push the up arrow on your keyboard: both Edna and her shadow go up.
Push the left arrow on your keyboard: Edna goes left, shadow goes right.
Push the right arrow on your keyboard: Edna goes right, shadow goes left.
Push the down arrow on your keyboard: both Edna and her shadow go down.

Bad guys:

A small critter that looks like a Baby Buzz.
An imp that looks like a mini brain tree.
A little black bat with sharp teeth.
A tiny gray ghost that looks freaky.
Watch them for a little while, and you should be able to tell where they will go next and avoid them. If Edna (or her shadow) touch one, Edna (or her shadow) is trapped.

My Experience as a Neopian by Zak Fields

My experience as a Neopian has been great. I love to participate in as many things as I can, and that is partially why I’m broke.

I started an account a long time ago, and during that time, I earned enough money where I could have 50,000np in the bank and not ever have to take it out.

I had about three neopets, each having their own petpet. I even got one of my neopets from the adoption place. I love doing the faerie quests and getting random events. I also like to do all the missions from people like Edna the witch and the Brain Tree.

Edna’s Shadow Walkthrough by Hakaze Haywire

This is a guide to Edna’s Shadow. This isn’t a complete guide, but the levels listed so far should be a little easier if you read it.

You move around with the arrow keys and attack enemies with the space bar.

The levels vary a little with every game, like which ingredient is where or how the enemies move. There are no major changes.

The premise of the game is to collect all ingredients in the level and have both Edna and her shadow touch the cauldron AT THE SAME TIME.

Careful: If either Edna or her shadow touches an enemy, the other half cannot collect items until she touches the trapped one.