Dubloon Disaster Tips

Some general tips
When you play Dubloon Disaster, you can type scallywags to create a whirlpool and get rid off the nasty mines but the best way to do this without risking getting caught is:

1. When you start the game before you collect the first dubloon type in scallywag (no s ).
2. When you feel that you need some more space and the mines are to difficult to avoid just press s to complete the code. – tinkerbell

The enemy enemy concept
Every time there are 2 mines on the board, try to get them to blow each other up by running them into each other. Hope this helps a few people. – Galataiend

Dubloon Disaster Guide by adaboda4

Here are some easy ways to get a good score on Dubloon Disaster!

1. Set a goal for yourself. Dont send in your score unless you get over your goal. My goal is 170 points, because above that and you get 1000nps.

2. After you get at least of the way to your goal, go to an area where there are no mines (the small black and red things) and type in SCALLYWAGS. It creates a whirlpool. If you move right after you create the whirlpool, it will close, so wait for a split second, then move. Be careful or you might get sucked into the whirl pool!

Dubloon Disaster Guide by Kerri

The newest game from Neopets, this game will be the ultimate test of your patience.

You control a little boat with a little blue Krawk in it, and steer it in a small waterspace in order to pick up dubloons that were lost when your ship sunk. Steering is like this: when you go straight forward, you go very fast, but come to a stop when changing direction. BE AWARE OF THIS!!!! But, of course, it’s not that simple–you have to avoid the oh-so-evil pirates’ homing mines.

Here’s the deal: every time you pick up a dubloon (different colors have different point values) a mine pops up in a random location. PAY ATTENTION when you pick up a dubloon as you have no idea where a mine will pop up–they could appear right in front of you, and BOOM, you’re dead.

Dubloon Disaster: Mines Go Boom by Lora

Ok, so I’ve been reading some really great guides on how to avoid those pesky mines and score a bunch of points, etc, etc. This plan does work…but there’s an easier way to stay in the game with little to no effort. The only requirement is patience.

Here’s the deal. Every time you collect a coin, a mine appears. Now, eventually enough mines appear to summon a magical whirlpool that sucks all those mean little mines up. The only problem with that is you can get sucked into it as well, ending your game.

Well, the cool thing about the mines is that, when 2 of them collide, they blow each other up. Now, if only there were a way to take advantage of that… hmmmm. All you have to do is collect 2 coins, summoning only 2 mines. Since they act like little homing devices, these mines will start moving toward the same point (a.k.a you) and eventually meet up and blow each other to bits. The trick is keeping yourself aligned between the two mines so that they’ll meet up. The easiest way to accomplish that is to form a triangle between you and the mines, keeping yourself far enough way from them to keep from getting hit.

Dubloon Disaster Guide by fireandflame

This is my first ever game guide, so please don’t laugh at it if its not very good 😛

In my opinion this is one of the BEST games there are out there at the moment, and it is defiantly one the easiest to get a high score in. The nice thing is you can take your time over this game, and really clock up a high score. (remember you get twice as many neopoints as your score!)

There are two ways of playing this game to my knowledge, the first is to zoom around collecting the coins, with loads of mines following you. This is quite hard, but works for some.