Some general tips
When you play Dubloon Disaster, you can type scallywags to create a whirlpool and get rid off the nasty mines but the best way to do this without risking getting caught is:
1. When you start the game before you collect the first dubloon type in scallywag (no s ).
2. When you feel that you need some more space and the mines are to difficult to avoid just press s to complete the code. – tinkerbell
The enemy enemy concept
Every time there are 2 mines on the board, try to get them to blow each other up by running them into each other. Hope this helps a few people. – Galataiend
Good tips
1. If there are lots of bombs around the doubloon go to a corner stay there for a wee bit so they come your way but not too close then quickly go behind them and get the doubloon!
2. Try and stay away from bombs as MUCH as possible, I learned that the closer you are to them the more likely your are to be blown to smithereens!!!
3. Well, as you may have noticed that whenever you want to turn it takes longer than when you just want to go strait. That’s because it takes longer to paddle with one of the umm… thingy watcha me call it…those wee sticks. If you go around them to get the doubloon it gets them confused!!!