Kreludan Mining Corp. – The Guide – Revisited by umbreon_of_the_moon

KRELUDOR – Home of mines, orange Grundos, blue gems, and…more orange Grundos. You may think that Kreludor’s just a big, dark, scary planet in the sky. Well, you’d be wrong, it’s actually a big, dark, scary moon in the sky…

After my last article, “Kreludan Mining Corporation – The Guide, back in issue 143 of the Neopian Times, there have been a couple of notable changes in the game.
People have also asked me to do a follow-up guide for the later levels, so here it is.

NOTE: This is an advanced guide! If you are just looking for a guide to get used to the controls, look at my beginner’s article in issue 143 of the Neopian Times!

Faerie Caves Solutions – Dark Faerie Cave

First thing you must do is push the boulder to your right, all the way until it is over the balloon, it must be exactly over the balloon, you’ll find out why later. Now go all the way left, go down past the spike gate, all the way down, go two right, then up collecting all the diamonds. Then go down and push the balloon to the right, go up two and all the way right, lighting the two stacks of TNT.

If you want full points, go on the left side of the three chests and get the middle first, then the top, leave the bottom one for now. go one left and quickly down, lighting the TNT. Collect the extra key next to the yellow balloon and go through the chest underneath the spike gate, light the TNT and quickly press down as far as possible.