Scammer Paranoia by theparrotbite014

Hey, it me. By just reading this you might be expecting something about scammers taking accounts and items. Here’s the reality of it though. Look how many people put guides here, then look at how many users there are on Neopets. Quite a difference, huh? Yeah, there are scammers. Yeah, there are cookie grabbers. Yet, I have only been scammed once, and have been playing for about 5 years. We all pretty much have what I call “Scammer Paranoia”.

Here’s the deal. You log onto Neopets. You notice a neomail sitting in your inbox. It reads, ” Dear soandso, this is Neopets staff coming to inform you that are server might crash due to a severe storm in the area. All accounts may be lost! Please send us your password so that we may activate the save function in your account.

Thanks, Neopets staff! What’s the first thing that you think? Are these the real staff? Is this guy scamming me? The answer is painfully obvious. As they say in the game Cheat!: D’OH! If you were one of the people that sent in their pass, I am sorry.

Now, the smartness factor (yes, THE smartness factor) of most scammers is closer to 1-2. Now, phishers/crackers (not racist, I am white) can be smarter, maybe a 5-6 at most. Criminal masterminds… do not waste their time stealing fake money, so most day-ruiners are pretty stupid. Extremely few know how to program very well. You can go to shops advertised on the shop ads forum. You won’t have your account stolen. Scammer paranoia, I’m telling you.

Now, the ONE time I have been scammed, my sis and I teamed up and trapped him. Her account was cracked and the pass was changed. She was worried about her np. She had around 50,000 rattling around in her pocket. All of a sudden, my entire complete set of codestones disappeared. I had an idea. I reported her account for stealing my codestones. Pretty soon, it was frozen. I also quit using that account. I made a couple more before this one, because I keep forgetting my password. Pretty ironic, if you ask me.

That isn’t really bad though. Yes, I lost all of my codestones, but that was when there were only around 13. Not too big of al loss. He didn’t see the Moach in my trades, I guess. The biggest loss I’ve heard of was 1 mill. That was on this section too. I feel pretty sorry for that person. yet, this is only a game. Which brings up another topic.

This is only a game. People are actually acting like this is real life. So your account got frozen. Make another and start form scratch. Play some games. I personally recommend Feed Skeith. Pretty fun game right there. need a codestone. I know people who would give one to you AND buy something from your shop. We are all in this together. Why not cheer somebody up. That’s why I play. If I’m having a bad day, I just log on and play games. I look in my shop till. I look at my neofriends pages. Just taking care of your pet is fun. Scamming isn’t that big of a problem anymore. You just need to stay smart and avoid boards that say, “100000np! comme here!!!11” or, “GET A FREE BABY PB!!”. Don’t do chain letters. Read the Terms of Service and the Rules. A happy neopet is a good neopet. The better we are, the less scammers there will be. Don’t be afraid to report someone. Just have a good reason. Other than that, just have fun. See ya. – theparrotbite014

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