Simple Tips to Make Much Dinero by The Shadowy D

Had problems making money? Are you mad at the super rich for not sharing their wealth? Well, so was I. Then I realized that the super rich aren’t going to up and give you the Rainbow Scorchstone or Tiki Amulet you always wanted. So, you have to make it on your own!

1. Visit the Fruit Machine, Coltzan’s Shrine, and Tombola in the beginning of each day. In order to visit the Shrine and Tombola your account has to be 2 days old.
3. If you had items in your shop then check your shop till.
4. Collect interest at the bank.
5. Get at least one dubloon from playing Deckswabber. You can either sell the dubloon(s) or use them to train your pet.
6. Play Poogle Solitaire, using the directions already on this Pinkpoogletoy =). This is a guaranteed 750 neopoints each day with little work at all!
7. Play the game you make the most from several times. The game you play depends on what you are good at. My game is Swarm, i can make 400 – 500 neopoints in 2 minutes of playing!
8. Play the Toucan Sam Challenge game! After memorizing the answers to the 10 questions they have you get 100-150 neopoints for 30 seconds of brainless activity! Unfortunately, it stops you from getting neopoints after the 2nd or 3rd try =(

9. Play Cheat! No matter who you are, this game is fairly easy to win and one of the easiest games to get a trophy from!
10. If you have cable or dsl you might want to try your luck at the neopets shop restocks. With cable or dsl you can get 1 or 2 faeries in the magic shop, which can be sold for 3000-4000 apiece. Too bad I have dial-up modem, if I had cable or dsl I’d be getting faeries all the time.
11. As soon as you get 6000 neopoints buy 1000 shares of a stock that costs 6 np! 6 np stocks are risk free – the price can’t go down. Wait until the stock rises by 50% and then sell! You won’t believe how much money this can make you! Let’s just say that it bought me my new Red Scorchstone……=).
12. Here’s another thing – Trading Post + Newbies = Money For You!!! Okay, so that is taking advantage of newbies, but if you don’t, someone else will! Search around for items of moderate value but aren’t in high demand, like Bag of Infinite Neggs or Punegg. If you see someone who looks like they’re new, then give them something worth about 3/4 the shop wiz value. Then if they accept, you get a couple thousand neopoints profit!!!

About Me: My username is mastablasta555 and I’ve been playing for a couple months now. I’ve got about 250 – 300k in liquidable “stuff”, though I did spend my 70k on a lab map. I like the battledome a lot and right now I’m planning a battledome article for pinkpoogletoy right now. If you have any questions feel free to email me (I do believe my email will be put on this page) or neomail me.
Have fun with your newly begotten wealth!) – The Shadowy D

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