Potato Counter Cheats

Thanks to Tinkytinkerbell for the information!

Play three times in one go

You only have to play this once and it will give you the neopoints for 3 games. Just play one game, then right after it says you guessed it in something seconds and got so many neopoints, press refresh and it will say you got an amount of neopoints. It will give you the neopoints without playing. Then do that for the 3rd round and u save time playing potato counter! – John Wong dark_evil_magik@hotmail.com

Win without counting

When you’re playing, right click on the screen a go to View Source. In View Source, scroll down until you see

<input type=’hidden’ name=’p13′ value=’#’>

Make sure it’s named ‘p13’. In the part where value is, whatever number is after it is the number of potatoes. Try practicing this first so you can easily View Source and scroll down to ‘p13’. It wont make you a lot of NP (now you can only earn 50 NP from each Potato Counter Game) but it will save a lot of time! – ~ * *{cherie}* * ~ *

Having the host tell the answers

When you see all those potatoes that need counting you gasp. “That will take ages,” you moan. But heres what I do to get out of counting all of them. Just read these easy steps:

1. Guess how many potatoes there are (Don’t Count!!!)
2. Type your guess in the box and enter it.
3. The kacheek will then tell you how many potatoes were in the pile. Make sure you read it! This is your key to winning!
4. When you have the number memorized hit the “Back” button at the top of the screen.
5. In the box, type the correct number of the potatoes and enter the correct number.
6. You are right! Collect your neopoints.

Please Note: This might take up 2 plays on potato counter. I hope this helps you! – catfish4242

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