Plushie Tycoon Guide by piestacker85

So you want to learn about Plushie Tycoon eh. Ok lets get started.. First you gotta do these things or you’ll get confused later.

1st: Rent Store. Rent Factory. Rent Warehouse.

2nd: Hire some staff. Go to Your Factory-Personnel-Hire Workers. I suggest about 50 – 70 total made up of either Journeymen, Trainees or both. Dropouts don’t do much work until you hire a LOT of them so don’t bother with them. Then about 2-3 Managers (If you don’t want them slacking off)

3rd: Buy Cloth, Stuffing, and Packing, also if you want a too make a species that needs accessories, youi will need 1 set for every 100 you make !

4th: Go to Your Factory-Start New Jobs. Then pick a species. If you bought specific accesories i suggest you make the job for that species.
( at the beginning just have 1 or 2 jobs, then a bit later you can increase this to whatever you like)

Every hour ( between 9am and 5pm NST ) the plushie manufactured quantity enlarges (the amount it increases depends on how many staff you have hired) Go check to see how much plushies you got. When a job is completed it will be put into the “loading” stage. This has changed. It originally happened overnight but i think now that it happens after about 2 hours or so.

When they are loaded you can tick a check box next to them and send them to your shop. (You will need some shelves, lights etc here, just click updates and you can select which ones you want) Once here your sales will be added at the end of each hour. The sales Vary on your advertising. I suggest that to start with you get the top levels of the first 3 advertising. (Top level flyers, candy and clothes) this will rake in the sales. If you have enough np you can get some of the other advertising as well if you want.

Don’t worry about pricing as neopets does this automatically for you!

Any other queries, I will try to help, neomail me on piestacker85

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