Well you’ve taken your first step into the big wide world of Neopets and your overwhelmed by the many worlds to explore, the many stores and the many other opportunities Neopets has to offer. The problem is you have no clue where to start and what to do! Well this guide will make things a bit clearer for you with a few hints and tricks on the way.
Keeping Things Cheap
Your pretty much strapped for neopoints for awhile until you’ve made some (more on that later). It would be best to keep to one neopet until youv’e made some cash. But even with that one neopet its going to need to eat and keep healthy but as your probably thinking these are going to cost Neopoints! But there are a few ways to keep your pet happy and healthy for next to nothing. Every two hours visit the healing springs in faerie land and you will be granted health, a full pet or even a snowball. If the faerie does not fill your pet up then you can go to Tyrannia and pick from the huge omelette. You can go back to the omelette once a day so your pet will never be hungry!
Making Some Neopoints
So you’ve been around Neopets a little bit, taken a look around at the worlds and saw all the pretty items that you can buy but you do not have enough Neopoints to do it! First open a bank account where you should deposit most of your money to earn more interest. Then hit the games section! The best games to play are wheel of excitement, meerca chase, petpet herder, kiko match 2, destructomatch and carnival of terror. Of course there are many other games that will make you neopoints but these are the best. Play each of the games 3 times a day and you will have a ton of neopoints! Whatever you make put in the bank.
What should I save and what should I sell?
You’ve been playing the games for awhile, and exploring and have picked up a few items on the way from the wheel or excitement or from the shops or even on the floor but you aren’t sure if you should keep it or sell it. Selling is another good way to make neopoints but you will need to open a shop to do so but it will only cost you 250 np. My theory is that you should always keep a few items in your safety deposit box just in case you go broke. Faeries and codestones always sell well and will make you a lot of neopoints but I believe you should keep at least one faerie and one codestone in your SDB.
I want to paint my pet with that baby paint brush/I want to buy that Earth Faerie Doll
Well now you are almost an old pro at Neopets, you’ve been playing games for awhile made some Neopoints and have seen a great looking item that you would love to buy your pet. The question is, is it a want or a need? Think about it before spending all your neopoints and having to start over again. Does your pet really need a baby paint brush when it could be painted with something cheaper? Won’t my pet get the same satisfaction from a cheaper plushie than an Earth Faerie doll? It is up to you whether you would like to purchase these expensive items but just remember to keep a bit of cash in reserve and that there are other things that are cheaper that will satisfy your pet just the same.
Well I’ve hoped this has helped you out. If you have any questions neomail me. – mobilechick7
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