Have you just discovered Plushie Tycoon? Have no idea how to play it, but eager to do so? You have found the right guide. I will explain everything to you so that you will be a Tycoon in no time! Plushie Tycoon is a very fun game that lasts a full month. TNT will normally restart everyone on the last day of the month at midnight NST (so if you want to get technical, it is the first day of the month).
Starting Out Your Game
At first you see a button that says “Create Store”. Click it, and you will be brought to a page that is now the main page. Refresh the page, and at the top it will say “Click here to customize the game time zone to your own.” Click there, but STOP RIGHT THERE. You need to set the time that lets you play Plushie Tycoon the most, or rather the best time to have your updates. For people who do not already know, an update is something that updates your game, obviously. Let’s say that you have 300 plushies made. You have more waiting to be made. You will NOT see any changes until the next update takes place, and your shop has to be open (shops are open for 8 hours, this will also determine when your shop is open). Updates happen at :01 after every hour that your shop is open such as 9:01, 10:01, 11:01 etc. Here is an excellent chart to let you know what time you want your updates to happen. Until you set the time, it is NST time, and your shop is open from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm NST. (Please note that below is NST!)
If you want your first update (10:01 game time) to happen at: | If you want your last update (5:01 game time) to happen at: | Set your time zone to: |
Midnight NST | 7:01 am NST | GMT + 2 |
1:01 am NST | 8:01 am NST | GMT + 1 |
2:01 am NST | 9:01 am NST | GMT – 0 |
3:01 am NST | 10:01 am NST | GMT – 1 |
4:01 am NST | 11:01 am NST | GMT – 2 |
5:01 am NST | Noon NST | GMT – 3 |
6:01 am NST | 1:01 pm NST | GMT – 4 |
7:01 am NST | 2:01 pm NST | GMT – 5 |
8:01 am NST | 3:01 pm NST | GMT – 6 |
9:01 am NST | 4:01 pm NST | GMT – 7 |
10:01 am NST | 5:01 pm NST | GMT – 8 |
11:01 am NST | 6:01 pm NST | GMT – 9 |
Noon NST | 7:01 pm NST | GMT-10 |
1:01 pm NST | 8:01 pm NST | GMT+13 |
2:01 pm NST | 9:01 pm NST | GMT+12 |
3:01 pm NST | 10:01 pm NST | GMT+11 |
4:01 pm NST | 11:01 pm NST | GMT+10 |
5:01 pm NST | Midnight NST | GMT + 9 |
6:01 pm NST | 1:01 am NST | GMT + 8 |
7:01 pm NST | 2:01 am NST | GMT + 7 |
8:01 pm NST | 3:01 am NST | GMT + 6 |
9:01 pm NST | 4:01 am NST | GMT + 5 |
10:01 pm NST | 5:01 am NST | GMT + 4 |
11:01 pm NST | 6:01 am NST | GMT + 3 |
Great! Now that we’ve got that settled, let’s move on. Click Your Store at the top of the page. That page tells you you need to pay a rent before you start. Go ahead and pay. (Click the link) Now click Your Factory and Your Warehouse. You will be asked to do the same thing. Pay both, later you will be glad you did in advance. Next, click Purchase Raw Goods located next to Main Page and Your Store. Do not buy anything right now. Hit Accessories. Do you see where it says “Rare Gems”? Look right below that at the price. If that price is above 2,000 neopoints, sorry to say but you need to wait until the next update to continue. (If you do not wait, chances are you will be losing neopoints instead of making a profit) But if the price is below 2,000, then that’s awesome. The reason why I am going by the price of the Rare Gems is because if that price is high, everything you can buy will be very high in price. But if you can purchase them at a low cost, everything will be lower.
Under 2,000? Good. Still, don’t buy those right now. Go to “Cloth”. Each plushie requires a certain amount of cloth (1-5 pieces) and I suggest you buy the plushies that require 2-3 cloths a piece plus accessories (plushies with accessories always sell for a higher price; hence more profit) although sometimes you can get away with selling plushies that don’t require accessories. Want to know what plushies need certain number of cloths and no/some accessories? Here’s an accurate list:
Plushies that require accessories:
1 cloth – Shoyru
2 cloths – Aisha, Chomby, Wocky, Eyrie, Kyrii, Peophin, Usul, Pteri, Skeith, Krawk, Uni
3 cloths – Bori, Hissi, Chia, Bruce, Cybunny, Grarrl, Kiko, Tuskaninny, Ixi, Moehog, Tonu, Kau, Koi, Buzz
4 cloths – Kougra, Yurble, Zafara, Elephante, Draik
5 cloths – Ruki
Plushies that do not require accessories (a lot of these sell for a very cheap price):
1 cloth – Grundo
2 cloths – Blumaroo, Nimmo, Flotsam, Gelert, JubJub, Mynci
3 cloths – Kacheek, Poogle, Quiggle, Jetsam, Meerca, Scorchio, Techo, Acara, Lenny, Lupe
4 cloths – Korbat
Now you are ready to buy. When selecting a plushie you want to make, remember if it needs accessories and how much cloth it needs to be able to make. I suggest starting out with green and yellow cloth, and plushies that require accessories (again, more profits) Also, buy enough things for 6-8 DIFFERENT plushies. Do the math on a calculator, the calculator is your friend! 🙂 NOTE: If you want to buy, lets say, a plushie that requires 2 cloths, make sure you buy 2 of the SAME cloths. You cannot buy one green and one yellow and mix the 2 to make the same plushie!
My advice: buy 4 Rare Gems accessories (each Rare Gems that you buy is for a different plushie!), and you choose the plushie to start off your game. Then buy 2-4 Molded Plastics (depending if you want 6-8 plushies to make). Now click Stuffing. If you are making 6 plushies, buy ALL NeoCotton stuffing. If you are making 8 plushies, buy 5 NeoCotton stuffing and 3 Tree Floss stuffing. Good, now all that’s left is the packing. My suggestion is buy all Cardboard Boxes to start out.
Factory, Warehouse, Shop, and Workers
By now you should have around 25,000 neopoints left. If you have more, fantastic. Click Your Factory, then click “Start New Job”. Find your desired plushie in the drop-down menu. Click it, then choose the cloth, stuffing, accessories, and packing. Do this again until you reach 6-8 plushies (on your third, fifth, and seventh attempt to create a plushie you will be asked to expand your factory. It’s ok, do just that.) Now you have your jobs started, but you won’t be getting them done. Why? Well, you don’t have any workers!
Now click Your Factory again, but instead of Start New Job, click “Personnel”. This is where you hire employees. Then click on “Hire Workers”. You need to hire about 250. Yes, that’s right, 250! For your first time, I think you should hire 150 Trainies, and 100 Journeymen. Or if you think you have enough neopoints, 100 Trainies and 150 Journeymen (the first one is recommended, and NEVER EVER hire dropouts, they do almost nothing!). But with any of these combinations you will need to hire 24 more managers. The ratio of 1 manager to 10 workers is good. Why only 24? You already have one manager hired that you started the game out with that you can NEVER fire. That is why it is good to have about 800 neopoints with you at all times, he takes 84 neopoints every hour that your shop is open.
What’s next, you ask? Wait until the next update.
Ok, now click Your Factory, then click “Existing Jobs”. Only see a couple of your plushies still there? GOOD. If you see alot, that isn’t very good, but you can stilll get some more neopoints. Go to Your Factory, Personnel, Fire Workers, Fire All Workers after the first update no matter what. You don’t want to pay your workers 5,000 neopoints for doing few plushies, right? That means fire them all, except you will always have one manager that you can’t fire. Now you should have around 8,000 neopoints left. You do? Awesome.
Go to Your Warehouse. You see your plushies there, right? Next to them it says “Loading”. You cannot make your plushies go to your shop until that says “Loaded”. The amount of time it takes for your plushies to load depends on the number of plushies are being loaded, and the size of your Warehouse. You do NOT have to wait until an update before your plushies are done loading! (I always liked that)
If you have around 8,000 neopoints, go ahead and expand the Warehouse ONCE. You need the rest for shipping the plushies, advertisements, and upgrades for your shop. Every 100 plushies always cost 278 neopoints to ship. I would ship them all, if I were you, and spend on advertisements and upgrades (go to Your Store, then click on Advertisements or Upgrades), but more on advertisements (this helps the plushies sell faster) Until you have about 800 neopoints left. You need the 800 neopoints for the manager, right? He costs 84 nps an hour….so you should be fine for a while 🙂 It takes about 5 minutes for the plushies to arrive to your shop when you ship them. The prices are already set based on cloth, stuffing, accessories, and shipment.
After an update, do you want to know how your plushies are selling? Go to Your Shop, then click on Sales. Do you see one plushie is selling way better then another? That is good. That tells you next time you buy raw materials, you might want to buy supplies for that plushie as well (obviously people like that plushie, you can sell more by noticing this!) Once all of your plushies sell, buy more raw materials and make MORE plushies!!! Eventually you should have a nice amount of np! Want to know the benefits of Plushie Tycoon? Here are prizes:
NPs are awarded based on your Tycoon account, as follows:
Over 1,000,000 NPs wins 100,000 NPs, an avatar, and a gold trophy
Over 250,000 NPs wins 50,000 NPs, an avatar, and a silver trophy
Over 50,000 NPs wins 25,000 NPs, an avatar, and a bronze trophy
The taxman is someone who comes every 7 days to collect taxes! In other words, he takes about 1/10 of the neopoints you have! How to avoid him? Simple. The Taxman only comes if you have more than 50,000 neopoints. If you have more than 50,000 neopoints, an update or 2 before he comes, buy raw materials untill you have less than 50,000. Then he doesn’t come at all! (Well, for at least another 7 days)
Need help? Go to the Boards
Do you still need help? The answer is the boards. The Plushie Tycoon boards are always in the games section, and they normally say: (Month it is) Plushie Tycoon Board #(Whatever number it is). They are usually easy to find, because they have so many people posting on them frequently. The people there have abbreviations for different things, and it is nice to know what they mean. Here are what they are and what they mean:
PT: Plushie Tycoon
CoH or COH: Amount of neopoints you have now
Fac: Factory
wh: Warehouse
mth: Month
xxx: Used instead of 000. Example: Say your Rare Gems are 2300. Your price would be 23xx
ups: Upgrades for your shop
ads: Advertisements for your shop
rg: Rare Gems
NOTE: If you are in a board, NEVER mention the name of a plushie. EVER. It makes people mad because it rapidly drops the price of the plushie. Like say you name Uni. Well, a lot of people are then going to make Unis. Then, there are going to be so many Unis out there that they aren’t going to be worth as much because there are too many.
A few more tips:
1.Remember, at the end of the game (When it takes you having 50,000+ to win) the taxman may turn up and tax you. If you have, say 50,001, he’ll tax you and you’ll lose the game, so make sure you have quite a bit more than 50,000 to ensure a win.
2. Don’t make massive ammounts of one type of plushie to start off with: It may turn out no-one wants it, so only make 100-200 of one plushie to start with: variety, variety, variety.
(of course, if you’ve found a succesful plushie, by all means make heaps)
3. If less than an entire batch of plushies sells out, you will not get the money for it. So advertising is very important: or else you’ll end up broke with lots of almost sold batches of plushies
4. Balance. If you spend all your money to quickly, you’ll go broke, but if you don’t make plushies fast enough, you’ll slowly go broke because of the rental fees. You have to find the perfect balance of spending, creating plushies, hiring workers, upgrading etc. It really all comes down to experience.
@Maddy – thank you for your helpful comment! I was wondering why my new NP balance wasn’t reflecting the sold plushies after one update and now I know I have to wait for the whole batch to sell. Thanks so much 🙂