Nimmo’s Pond Guide by Shoyru_Lover

Personally, I haven’t played this game much but from what I’ve gathered, its a pretty cool game 🙂 From my experience, as like many games, there is also a knack to playing this game. And henceforth, in this guide, I shall explore them with you and on the way, converse on the finer points of English.

First point, never stray from the middle unless unnecessary. This is because if you do, you will gradually lose control of your lily pad until eventually, you will ram into other lily pads and lose health. If you look on the diagram below, you will also notice a blue bar that says paddle power. Every time you move, your paddle power will decrease and if it depletes itself, its over rover.

As demonstrated here, unless the pads are coming right for you, stay in the middle and shoot at them.

Another point is to never ever get close to the edges. This is because whenever you do, you will appear on the other side of the screen and it often confuses many people so its best to be safe and secure.

Power-ups are a bonus, they are cool to get and are awesome. Make sure that when you aim for one, choose one that you are comfortable with. Try experimenting with a few before you stick to one.

Personally, I like the launcher over the others because it destroys pads quickly. However, the health, bomb and paddle are pretty cool.

So lets revise what we have learned so far
1) Never stray from the center unless necessary
2) Avoid paddling too much as it depletes paddle power
3) Stay away from the edges to avoid confusion
4) Experiment and stay on one power up that you feel most comfortable with
5) Play this game to have fun, always, you will receive a higher score if you do! – Shoyru_Lover

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