Neopets Back in my Day by Freddy Headness

You know how when you go over to an older relative’s house, and they reminisce about the “good old days”? Well, older Neopians can do the same, only in this case, “old” would be about three or four years old. A person is able to go to the neoboards and see the current issues Neopia is experiencing plots, avatars, new ideas, etc.

Well, back in my day, Neopia was much different. There was no such thing as Roo Island, Kiko Lake, or even the Deserted Fairground. Neopia was much smaller back then. The founding of Meridell was a huge deal. The Neoboards were abuzz with talk of a medieval world. Could it be possible? The Neopets team made a medieval world! What will the pets look like? Will a paint brush come with it? Those were all the topics concerning Meridell. Then came the war. Everyone on the boards had chosen a side, Darigan or Meridell. We all know how the war ended. Meridell won, and Lord Darigan had been vanquished. And yes, this was before the second Meridell war soon after with Lord Kass.

Not only were the plots different, but the prices were too. Back in my day, a person could sell a Faerie Paint Brush for 99,000 neopoints, buy an entire lab map, and still have about 10,000 neopoints left over. Some things never change, though. People on the boards were still complaining about how prices were too high and how the Neopets team should do something about giving out free paint brushes. The free paint brush idea never actually worked, and prices for everything increased rapidly. As of June 9, 2006, the entire lab map cost 530,000 neopoints. Ah, if only a person could relive the old days for the cost of living.

The most important part about the old days (at least to me) was the Neoboards. They were not always called “Neoboards” and were at one point referred to as the “Neochat.” Could you imagine the boards having a blue color to them instead of the yellow they are now? Could you imagine the boards without avatars?

An entire chat board was made for avatars! How could there not be avatars? Well, there weren’t. At the time, the boards only listed the username, font, and signature when a player posted. If you chatted regularly, you had a close-knit group of friends that always came on around the same time each day.

The Neopets Team was more laid back in those days, and you rarely got warnings for what you typed. I know the group of my friends usually held proms, parties, and a “guess something and win a prize” board. The Neopets team didn’t care. We had fun, and that’s what Neopets was made for.

I still remember when the general chat board was around. I remember the old Maraqua, before it was in ruins, because of the whirlpool. Many people believe the Neopets of today is amazing and a great way to get away from the real world. Sure, Neopets is still fun, but sometimes I wish I could go back and relive what I like to call “The Neopets Summer of Love.” After all, why not have low prices, more friends on the Neoboards and find new worlds to explore? – Freddy Headness

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