Neggsweeper Guide by rhoc

Neggsweeper is basically mine sweeper on windows computers. At the beginning try clear an area in one go. then working in from the out skirts you can figure out whether a negg is safe or not eg, if the # are unknown neggs and the @ are cleared spaces and ! is a bad negg and —- is the bottom of the board try this example :


because there are only 5 possible neggs round the 5 then we know all the neggs round the 5 are bad

#### ! !1@@@@@@@
#### !5@@@@@@@@
#### ! ! 1@@@@@@@

now because there have been already 2 bad neggs round the 2 we know the rest of the neggs bordering the 2 are safe

#### ! !1@@@@@@@
#### !5@@@@@@@@
#### ! ! 1@@@@@@@

these spaces will have numbers (unless they have no bad neggs next to them): for example

#### ! !1@@@@@@@
#### !5@@@@@@@@
#### ! ! 1@@@@@@@
#### 3 2@@@@@@@@
#### 1@@

now because 2 bad neggs of the 3 have been discovered there is 1 remaining. because there is a 1 below the three and the 1 bad one must be in either of the uncleared neggs beside it there could not be a bad negg in the 3’s top left corner or the 3 would have to be 4. so you can clear that space.

#### ! !1@@@@@@@
#### !5@@@@@@@@
###@ ! ! 1@@@@@@@
#### 3 2@@@@@@@@
#### 1@@
for this purpose we will make that number 2

#### ! !1@@@@@@@
#### !5@@@@@@@@
###2 ! ! 1@@@@@@@
#### 3 2@@@@@@@@
#### 1@@

now because we have already identified 2 bad neggs next to the 2 all other spaces are therefore ok

#### ! !1@@@@@@@
##@@ !5@@@@@@@@
##@2 ! ! 1@@@@@@@
##@@ 3 2@@@@@@@@
#### 1@@

we wont bother to number them except the bottom two of the “newly cleared”

#### ! !1@@@@@@@
##@@ !5@@@@@@@@
##@2 ! ! 1@@@@@@@
##1 2 3 2@@@@@@@@
#### 1@@

now there is only one space where the bad one for the 1 on the bottom- on its middle left:

#### ! !1@@@@@@@
##@@ !5@@@@@@@@
##@2 ! ! 1@@@@@@@
##1 2 3 2@@@@@@@@
#### ! 1@@

now because the 3’s 3 bad neggs are identified we can clear the rest of the neggs around the three safely

#### ! !1@@@@@@@
##@@ !5@@@@@@@@
##@2 ! ! 1@@@@@@@
##1 2 3 2@@@@@@@@
###@ ! 1@@

that number would have to be 1 scince the 2’s bad neggs have been identified:

#### ! !1@@@@@@@
##@@ !5@@@@@@@@
##@2 ! ! 1@@@@@@@
##1 2 3 2@@@@@@@@
###1 ! 1@@

on that note, now that the 2’s and the 1’s bad neggs have been found (although in this case we only needed to know one) there is another space to be cleared:

#### ! !1@@@@@@@
##@@ !5@@@@@@@@
##@2 ! ! 1@@@@@@@
##1 2 3 2@@@@@@@@
##@1 ! 1@@

so basically you just have to think things like “now there is only one bad negg next to this negg and I found that bad one so therefore all the ones next to this one that haven’t been cleared or marked already are ok.”

but in the beginning it is a game of luck because you have absolutely no way of knowing what it is.

*the ratio is 1 neopoint for every game point.
*on easy I can get about 300-400 nps
*for every negg you clear you get 1 game point -unless you clear more than one negg in one go and then for every negg you cleared in one go you get an extra game point
*some times you will click on a “secret negg” for example it might say up the top “you clicked on the secret ______ negg, you get an extra____ points”

*secret neggs are totally random ( at least as far as I know!)
* BE VERY CAREFUL WHEN YOU PLAY TRY NOT TO GUESS AT RANDOM: if you on a bad negg you lose the game, and you lose the money you spent to play the game, and you lose any money in your “jackpot”/the money you earned in that game ! so don’t guess at random!
* it costs 30 nps to play
* I THINK that it can make your pet smarter but I may be confused with something else so DON’T go playing it in the hope that your pet will get smarter play poogle solitaire or cliffhanger (which has the answers to)

hope this helps, and good luck from Rachel H-O’C my neopets username is rhoc p.s. pleeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaase look at my pet speedy_225!!! – rhoc

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