- They’re annoying! I know it’s obvious, but every so often you find a trade you think has everything you want in it, or something you need, and their wish list is along the lines of, PASTE THIS MESSAGE INTO TEN OF YOUR TRADES THEN GO TO TERROR MOUNTAIN AND YOU WILL FIND A ROYAL PB AND 20,000,000,000,000 NPS! And if the caps lock didn’t make it anymore annoying!
- Flooding the boards! Just When you are sitting back relax having a jolly time discussing life around the world, then some 1-week-year-old newbie pastes PUT THIS IN TEN BOARDS AND YOU WILL FIND A PB & A MILLION NPS AT FAEIRIELAND! THIS ACTUALLY WORKS! NO JOKE! If this didn’t wreck your conversation, I don’t know what will.
- The people doing it! Yesterday, a young chap posted on of these messages, so i decided to write, “If your going to post chain letters somewhere, please don’t do it here, thank you” Oh then wow, they respond with, “Shut up n00b!” Oh yeah I’m the n00b am I? Who’s the one posting the chain letters punk.
- The fact that they don’t work. Yet people still do them. Haven’t all those n00bs realized that none of the chain letters have EVER! worked! And never will!
- And the number one reason I hate them is, how can spammers think that Neopets’ moderators know that people have sent them ten times! Do people actually believe the Neopets owners would go, “Oh hi there you pasted the note! Great work! Here is your paintbrush and your GAZILLION neopoints! Happy Spending!” No, it’s more like, “Your Account has just been for spamming, and sending false chain letters! Thank-you.Yeah, no paintbrush and a gazillion neopoints! Huh?! Start over buddy. – Alex Tolmie
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