Neggsweeper Guide by Kauvaraspupil

Welcome to my guide! So you want to learn more about the game Neggsweeper.

Well, as you surely already know, it is the old windows game “Minesweeper”, dressed up as a Neopets game using Neopets terms and images (such as the neggs).

To win this game, you must bring a great deal of logic, perseverance and also, luck.

To start with, you have the choice of three difficulties: Easy, Medium and Hard. Not only do the boards increase in size as the difficulty increases, but the complexity of the board increases as well, meaning that on a Hard difficulty board you might encounter tiles with 6 or more adjacent bombs, while the number rarely goes over three on an easy board.

Once you have chosen your difficulty, you must hold your breath – and click blindly, once on your board. You may hit a bomb (!), but chances are you will hit a number. If it is a 1, or maybe a 2, try to click on an adjacent tile, if it is larger, try your luck at a different place of the board. What you really really want, is to hit a blank square that will reveal a (large) piece of the board for you, so you can start figuring out what neggs that probably are bombs, and what neggs are safe, hiding numbers underneath them. An added bonus if you klick a blank square: If the number of unturned tiles is greater then 20, you will get a 2x bonus in Medium and a 3x bonus in hard difficulty, cool, huh? Sometimes the tiles will hide secret neggs along with the numbers, that will add from 50 to ?? points to your Jackpot.

That’s all well and good, but that does not cover the most important thing: The game play.

All squares will either be blank, have a number on it or be a BOMB. Bombs are easy: Don’t click them. Or rather, you will want to flag them by pressing CONTROL key down while clicking them, thus marking them as dangerous. The blank squares are also easy: Nothing here. The numbered squares are the most important part of the game.

The number on a square denotes the number of bombs that lie close to it – i.e. if any of the eight tiles bordering this squares hide a bomb underneath it. Say you cklick a square that shows a 2. This tells you that out of the eight bordering tiles, two hide bombs. If there are only two unturned tiles bordering to the number 2, these are the bombs. Press Control key and click these tiles, and go on with other unturned numbers. Sometimes you will look at a square where you can not determine which tiles hide bombs, and which tiles do not. Don’t fret, or try to guess before it is necessary. Look at all other numbered squares and see if you can find another point of approach, which is almost a given that you will. Sometimes it is also necessary to look at several numbers at the same time to determine, which could be bombs and which tiles are certainly not bombs. Squares with 1’s on them are really good for this, because you can eliminate seven tiles when you have found the bomb! It will often clear up confusion as to what six tiles around the big red 6 are bombs.

A last hint: If you are stuck at an early point in the game with, say, two isolated tiles where one is the bomb and one isn’t, and it is impossible to deduct the bombs place logically, do not do the rest of the board and go back to the guessing game at the end of the game – if you guess wrong, your work is lost. Relax, make a guess as best you can, and if you 50% chance fails – shrug and go on to another game.

That’s it!

Hopefully you will soon be able to draw in 3000 NP a day from this game, if luck follows you. There is the added bonus of this being a non-flash game, that refreshes the site every so often, increasing the frequency of random events. – Kauvaraspupil

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