Hi, did you want something? Ohh,.yes, I remember, I was going to tell you all about buying and caring for a petpet.
No matter how complicating it seems, it really isn’t that difficult. First of all, choose a petpet that suits you. Since you probably don’t have any neopoints, (do not be embarrassed, hardly any pets have any money, I know I don’t), think of a way to get your owners attention, and let him/her know you want THAT petpet.
Some owners are unusually rotten and say, “NO!, you can not have that painted petpet, it is waaaaaaaaaaaay too expensive.” All petpets out there, if you want to be chosen, you had better look extra cute for that certain pet that is looking at you.
Anyway, if your owner says no, make sure he knows you are unhappy. One idea is to “accidentally” leave a puddle in the corner of your neohome, as it always works for me.*evil laugh* After you finally get your owner to say,” maybe I’ll get you that petpet”, it is time to start to pick out a name. Most petpets are very intelligent, so if you give them a dumb name, they will hate you. (really)
Choose a good name that fits your petpet. Do you have a favorite movie? If so, you can name your petpet after a character from that movie. Finally it’s the big day. Your owner says, “Yes, you may have that petpet”.
You drag your owner to the nearest store and find that one special petpet. Your owner looks at the sign which says, “CHEAP PETPET FOR SALE!!!”. *sigh *, to bad you didn’t read the fine print.
Well, your owner pays for the petpet and you all head home. You are awakened that night by a peculiar scratching sound. Rounding the corner, you are horrified to see that your owners favorite chair, the same one he paid 75,000 np for, was ripped to shreds.
You scream.
Your owner comes running. He screams. The petpet, however, sits there absentmindedly chewing a nice scrap of leather. Oh yes, I forgot to mention that my two brothers, one a Bori and one a Xweetok, and my sister, a Gelert, all come running as well. They shriek in horror.
Your owner looks at you weirdly, and with a few loud smacks and some yells from you, he sends you back to bed with a very sore, very red bottom.
Keep your petpet in a cage until he learns what to do, and what NOT to do. The next day you decide to train your petpet, only, he does not want to be trained. If your petpet runs away with the flying disk, or chooses to use the bathroom somewhere other than the potty, do not shout.
Petpets do not like being shouted at, and I am sure you don’t either. So instead, treat your petpet with love and kindness, and reward him when he does something right. (petpets love to be painted). Soon enough your petpet will learn the basic rules of living in your neohome. Now, you can pamper your petpet. Buy him a cozy bed, or a nice scratching post. He will really like it when he knows how much you care for him. I hope you take this advise seriously, as I myself have 3 petpets, even convincing my owner to buy me a 38,000np one.
Best wished from me, Daxterdaxter337_2004 and Daxter Jr. (Christmas Puppyblew), Aslan, (Noil), and Shelly Bee, (Sauropod) THE END.
Hey, wait, don’t leave yet, this story isn’t over. All that my pet said about petpets is true; I’ve seen it happen. But now I’d like to say something. Oh yes, by the way, this is oscar12345678900 speaking. Anyway, letting your pet have a petpet is a big decision.
Note to all owners: do not be hasty about this, as your pet needs to be very responsible to own a petpet. If your pet is feeling down thanks to the fact that you said no about having a petpet, let him know that he will have to be very obedient and responsible, and that he will have to be patient with a petpet.
Petpets take time to train and you can help. Here are some helpful tips.
#1. give out treats if your pet and his petpet are behaving
#2. take away toys or something if they are being naughty
#3. pets and petpets alike love music. Take them to a concert.
If you follow these tips, you will have a superb pet, petpet pair.
Thank you for listening, and be kind to your pets and their petpets. Who knows, in time your petpet may ask for a petpetpet. Goodbye. If you have any questions, neomail me.
Hi there, this time its smufsmarff. I am daxter’s sister, so you better listen to me, OK? We all love to travel, right? Well go exploring, maybe even to the top of Terror Mountain to search for a very special petpet. Neohomes should contain at least some petpet supplies if you are getting a petpet. Go get some toys for them. HEY OSCAR! WHEN IS THE NEXT ROUND OF DECKBALL?!?!? Oops, sorry, I’m a little excited, Oscar signed me up for the Deckball tournament, hey, who said it was just for boys?
Back to topic, you should brush you your petpets teeth twice a day, OK? Remember that. Oh, and a little bath never hurt anyone,(except maybe the one giving the petpet a bath) *snicker *
Anyway, I’ll talk later, maybe you should visit my lookup sometime OK? Bye!
The end (really)
Wait not yet!!!
Sorry, but I want to say something. Good petpets to get are, Spardels, Puppyblews, Angelpusses, and other nice, calm ones. If you know Boris, I’m boribori, Daxters brother, you will know we are very shy. But, as Daxter said, choose a petpet that suits you and has something in common with you. Smufsmarff’s petpet is a loud tomboy, and sometimes a bit obnoxious, (don’t tell her I said that), but the point is, her petpet is a plushie Angelpuss. No matter how cute or cuddly a petpet looks, you cannot judge it by its appearance.
THE END (really, really). – Daxterdaxter337_2004
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