MAGAX: Destroyer Guide by thefeircestdiety

1 player – character: Magax

Neopoint to Score Point Ratio:



You play a constantly flying MAGAX who has laser powers (activated by pressing the spacebar). You have to try to avoid the ghosts that you see by moving up and down (up and down on the keyboard). You destroy the ghosts by hitting them in about the center of their bodies. Be wary! Hubrid Nox (the little Chia flying above you on a storm cloud, sometimes) is out to get you! You cannot avoid his attacks, so be prepared. He can turn you into a block of ice (you cannot move up and down for about 5 seconds), make a blazing fire engulf you (you get hurt little by little for about 7 seconds), or turn all the enemies around you bigger. The Green Marbles that you run into Heal 1 damage worth’s of health.

Survival Tips

This game can be easy if you just learn to be patient with your shooting. You have to know when to pass the enemies by and when to shoot them directly. Normally, for me, Magax moves a little too quickly. To slow him down a bit, for when you need to take aim on a monster, just turn the opposite direction. You slow down for a bit and then to continue on just turn the original direction before you start to move backwards. Always take aim first and don’t sweat it when you don’t get them – the world you are flying in moves round and round so you’ll eventually get back to the place, or just turn around. Beware Hubrid Nox but don’t do anything special – you can’t avoid him. The second you get hurt in any way search out the Green Health marble. If there aren’t any left, then be extra-specially careful and kill the enemies swiftly to excel to the next level. That’s all my advice – have fun playing! – thefeircestdiety

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