The Pink Poogle Toy Show 36: The Illegal Want-to-Kill-the-President Pteri Gang Edition

Introducing the new The PPT Show hosting formula, we’re bringing in four (or four plus one) hosts Kym Huynh, Dave Moyer, Jonny Blackler, Lee and Helena to the mix to bring you an episode of hilarity, mischief and mayhem. From topics such as a wrap of Neopets Halloween to the new Neopets game “Ready to Roll” and discussion of the latest news on Neopets, in no way or form do we discuss nor endorse illegal activities on Neopets… ever. You’ll just have to listen to find out what we mean.


21 responses to “The Pink Poogle Toy Show 36: The Illegal Want-to-Kill-the-President Pteri Gang Edition”

  1. […] plus one) hosts Kym Huynh, Dave Moyer, Jonny Blackler, Lee and Helena to the mix to bring you an episode of hilarity, mischief and mayhem. From topics such as a wrap of Neopets Halloween to the new Neopets game “Ready to […]

  2. Lee Avatar

    Just me, or is the player not up.

  3. Kym Huynh Avatar

    It’s up now. 🙂 I was just uploading.

  4. Lee Avatar


  5. Yo_Yo Avatar

    Helena’s Almost Vintage!

  6. Helena Avatar


  7. Ktty Avatar

    Kym your probably thinking of Dupe day 0_o When the items were duplicated.
    Great episode guys. you guys make me laugh

    If you guys do one about being frozen count me in because I’ve wanted to be on this show forever and I got frozen a few weeks ago. I still listen even though I play a diffrent game now (subeta) and plan to podcast about it. also if you have any tips email me at

  8. Helena Avatar

    What did you get frozen for?

  9. Ktty Avatar

    ahh they CLAIM i said the ‘f’ word. Now honestly how can you accuse someone of that when they didn’t say it? That’s a big one and it’s odd. TNT never liked me XD. I like bawled because of all my hard work went down the toilet. ahh well

  10. Lee Avatar

    Ouch. Really sorry about that.

  11. Helena Avatar

    Wow. Huge mistake on their part…:| I’m sure you can join sometime if you have the correct programs etc. 🙂

  12. Lee Avatar

    And as for “correct progames etc.,” its not that much. Just save yourself trouble and DON’T RUN OVER YOUR MIC WITH A VACCUM CLEANER!

  13. Helena Avatar

    I meant Skype >.<
    Yeah. Running over mics with vacuums is even worse than accidently snapping the mic in half and having to buy a new one *cough* *shifty eyes*

  14. Lee Avatar

    Well it’s definatly easier to explain that you “ran over your mic with a vaccum cleaner” then, “No really! It just snapped in half I didn’t do it!”

  15. Ktty Avatar

    XD I don’t vacuum for that very reason. my tablet would be sucked into it, and the ipod wire and the ps2 wire and my computer and maybe the cat 0_o erm… and my headset got chewed on so i’m just going to get a mic I think. Soon at least, and as for skype i got a CD for it last time but it’s missing in action so I’ll have to find it unless you don’t NEED a CD well then i’m in trouble.

  16. Kym Huynh Avatar

    That’s right. You are Helena!!

  17. Kym Huynh Avatar

    Oh noooo you got frozen?! NOOOOO!!!

  18. Kym Huynh Avatar

    F word? Oh vey… time to kick some auto bot arse.

  19. Kym Huynh Avatar

    Dang… that’s some big vacum cleaner hose you have there.

  20. Ktty Avatar

    Yes- I don’t go on much because of it maybe once a week to say hi but i’m fully aware of what takes place there XD and yes i have a big vacuum

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