Lenny Conundrum Guide by jad_man2000

Lenny Conundrum involves mathematics and logic.

Nearly 90% of the questions asked in Lenny Conundrum are mathematic problems. These mathematic problems all involve ALGEBRA!!! Solve the questions in 3 steps. For example the second Lenny Conundrum question asks: A Skeith weighs 100 pounds plus half of his weight. How much does he weigh? The answer was 200 lbs. Follow the steps and it will help you answer the question.:)

1. Simplify the question. For the question above you can write it like this.
100 + k/2 = k (k/2 means k divided by 2)

2. Work out! For example you could say:
If half of k + 100 = k then it is like saying k – 100 = k/2. That means that 100 is 1/2 of k.

3 Conclude! You SHOULD say:
100 + k/2 (which is 100) = 200 so therefore the skieth weighs 200 lbs.

3 Simple ways to complete a mathematic Problem! Simplify the question, Work Out and Solve the question! Look for shortcuts!

Logic questions are those which are done logically. For example the 1st Lenny Conundrum question.. There are two Nimmos. The blue Nimmo points to the green one and says…

“Brothers and sisters I have none, But this Nimmo’s father is my fathers son.”

My question is… What relation is the blue one to the green one.

Basically it is saying that I have no brothers or sisters and that the green Nimmo’s father is my father’s son. Since I have no brothers or sisters, my father’s son is me. So the green Nimmo’s father is me. So the blue one is the green one’s FATHER!!!!

Logic questions cannot be solved anyway apart from thinking however mathematic questions can be solved easily using shortcuts. – jad_man2000

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