Over the Hedge: Turn & Burn Solutions by helpfuldan

Welcome. This is a solutions page to the sponsor game Over The Hedge: Turn & Burn. Following this solutions 3 times daily will earn you 3,000np, which equates to 90,000np a month. Which added onto another 10,000np you make in that month, gives you 100,000np a month!

Helpful Tips:

  • Over The Hedge: Turn and Burn is a Sponsor Game and can be played 3 times daily.
  • The game was put on the site on 3rd of May, and will mostly probably be taken down on the 3rd of June.
  • The game is completely done by mouse, and no keyboard is required.
  • This game can not be found in the normal Games Room, but you must go through the new Movie Mountain.
  • The Nugent Dog is two times slower than the other Characters
  • Characters will go right when they hit the perimeter of the garden and fences.
  • If a character cannot go right, they will go
  • There is no time limit on any of the levels so you may take as long as you like.
  • You must collect the food item before you go to the exit.
  • You will only gain 3,000np daily if you play in Impossible! Mode.
  • Losing a life will not lose you points.
  • Once you have set up the arrows as shown below (or how you want them) click Go on the right hand side to complete the level.
  • I have put in a helpful Difficulty Rating out of 5. 1 being very easy, 5 being very hard.

So, now all of that is sorted, I guess it is time for the guide!

Level Guides
Note: Make sure you are playing in Impossible! Mode

Level 1:

0 Arrows Used.
Item Collected: Taco Chips
Difficulty Rating: 1

Level 2:

1 Arrow Used; 1=Down.
Item Collected: Potato Chips
Difficulty Rating: 1

Level 3:

1 Arrow Used; 1=Down
Item Collected: Hot Dog
Difficulty Rating: 1

Level 4:

2 Arrows Used; 1=Up, 1=Down
Item Collected: Cookie
Difficulty Rating: 2

Level 5:

3 Arrows Used; 1=Up, 1=Down
Item Collected: Fizzy Pop
Difficulty Rating: 2

Level 6:

3 Arrows Used; 1=Up, 1=Down, 1=Left
Item Collected: Slice of Cake
Difficulty Rating: 3

Level 7:

6 Arrows Used; 2=Up, 1=Down, 2=Left, 1=Right
Item Collected: Taco Chips
Difficulty Rating: 4

Level 8:

1 Arrow Used; 1=Up
Item Collected: Potato Chips
Difficulty Rating: 2

Level 9:

3 Arrows Used; 1=Up, 1=Down, 1=Left
Item Collected: Hot Dog
Difficulty Rating: 3

Level 10:

2 Arrows Used; 1=Up, 1=Left
Item Collected: Cookie
Difficulty Rating: 2

Level 11:

4 Arrows Used; 2=Up, 2=Right
Item Collected: Fizzy Pop
Difficulty Rating: 4

Level 12:

4 Arrows Used; 1=Up, 1=Left, 2=Right
Item Collected: Slice of Cake
Difficulty Rating: 3

Level 13:

3 Arrows Used; 1=Up, 1=Down, 1=Left
Item Collected: Taco Chips
Difficulty Rating: 4

Level 14:

1 Arrow Used; 1=Right
Item Collected: Potato Chips
Difficulty Rating: 1

Level 15:

2 Arrows Used; 1=Up, 1=Left
Item Collected: Hot Dog
Difficulty Rating: 2

Level 16:

2 Arrows Used; 1=Up, 1=Left
Item Collected: Cookie
Difficulty Rating: 2

Level 17:

3 Arrows Used; 1=Up, 1=Down, 1=Left
Item Collected: Fizzy Pop
Difficulty Rating: 3

Level 18:

2 Arrows Used; 1=Down, 1=Left
Item Collected: Slice of Cake
Difficulty Rating: 5

Level 19:

2 Arrows Used; 1=Up, 1=Left
Item Collected: Taco Chips
Difficulty Rating: 4

Bonus Level Guides
Note: These Bonus Levels only appear once completely the first 19 levels in Impossible! Mode. The Bonus Levels do not gain you anymore neopoints, but will give you an extra 160-180 points on your score.

Level 20:

3 Arrows Used; 2=Up, 1=Right
Item Collected: Potato Chips
Difficulty Rating: 2

Level 21:

1 Arrow Used; 1=Down
Item Collected: Hot Dog
Difficulty Rating: 1

If more levels are found, they will be added as soon as possible. If you find any new levels, please contact me here and tell me. I hope the guide has been useful, and will earn you lots of neopoints! – helpfuldan


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